found a portal 49.391221, 25.438990

I didn't know that existed. What would I do without you? LOL. Wow.
Have more time to do mundane stuff,
instead of going down rabbit holes. ;)

You interested in doing some research,
with a DrZ's Reality Manipulator Basic Unit
on Remote Viewing Targets like this? ;)
I am very curious. What is a Reality Manipulator unit?
the base unit is a entry level to the radionic world, if it yield result for the first time user, this mean they will be able to move forward to a bigger device that offer more accuracy, lets describ it as the tricycle of the radionic world, affordable , solid , and light weight does not require a complicated procedure to operate, ive made over a 100 and everyone who use where quite happy with its healing capability, as for every radionic device you do need to be in tune with your chakkra energy and yes i should make a video about this, once i finish production work on my current order, cheers

It would yield the same result, but as much as you can concentrate, the hdr with either 2 or 4 or 6 dial offer an accuracy when it come to time travel, but for astral projection or healing all radionic device can offer the same thing, the only difference is how well it sync up with you
So it's a basic Radionics Device (one dial) with a head coil.
The rubbing plate (coil underneath) is a little rough,
so a finger "stick" reaction may be difficult and a pendulum may be best for tuning.

My thought is to use it as an adjunct in remote viewing,
tuning the viewer to the target via radionics.

I'll post some photos
So it's a basic Radionics Device (one dial) with a head coil.
The rubbing plate (coil underneath) is a little rough,
so a finger "stick" reaction may be difficult and a pendulum may be best for tuning.

My thought is to use it as an adjunct in remote viewing,
tuning the viewer to the target via radionics.

I'll post some photos
It's always exciting to go back into a Lab you haven't been in for some time.
Uncovering past experiments & projects,
getting enthused again.

Let's bend some time,
probe some unknowns.
uncover some Truths...rm1 005.webp

Grassy Knoll here we come. ;)rm1 003.webp
Doc, can you share with us some experiences you've had since you've been doing these experiments? Any time line changes?
Anything at all?
Doc, can you share with us some experiences you've had since you've been doing these experiments? Any time line changes?
Anything at all?
No obvious Time Line changes
(like you sometimes get with an HDR - but there is No electromagnet and No witness well)
But we naturally jump timelines all the time, so who's to tell.

First experiment (no intention statement/pendulum tuning) resulted in a lucid dream of exploring around an European type Hotel/Barracks, ending up in a party with my daughter trying to give me something.
In retrospect I believe it was the Monastery in the Portal pictures.
I wish I would have realized it so I could have gone to the Pavilion

2nd Exp: Free Form Intention/Pendulum Tuning (as per either @FarOutThere or @Mayhem)
where your mind knows what you need, (no intention needed) and just get a stick reaction.
This resulted in a somewhat disturbing empathy type lucid dream.
Best analogy is; if you use a rat trap in your house, now you know how the rat feels type dream.
Not necessarily bad, but defiantly enlightening.

3rd Exp: (last night) Intention Statement/Finger Stick tuning: restful sleep, improve health and loose weight. (this will be my pre-sleep intention statement for the next month)
Got 8 hrs of good sleep, lucid entertaining dreams of no real recall (need to start a dream journal)
Started this morning with coffee, meditation and a walk in the woods.

Also the TimeNoMore sticker (a new addition) is "slick" enough to provide for a good finger stick reaction.

Not as "heavy" as an HDR; just enough to open your third eye and let your subconscious speak.
I think I'm going to like this device :)
No obvious Time Line changes
(like you sometimes get with an HDR - but there is No electromagnet and No witness well)
But we naturally jump timelines all the time, so who's to tell.

First experiment (no intention statement/pendulum tuning) resulted in a lucid dream of exploring around an European type Hotel/Barracks, ending up in a party with my daughter trying to give me something.
In retrospect I believe it was the Monastery in the Portal pictures.
I wish I would have realized it so I could have gone to the Pavilion

2nd Exp: Free Form Intention/Pendulum Tuning (as per either @FarOutThere or @Mayhem)
where your mind knows what you need, (no intention needed) and just get a stick reaction.
This resulted in a somewhat disturbing empathy type lucid dream.
Best analogy is; if you use a rat trap in your house, now you know how the rat feels type dream.
Not necessarily bad, but defiantly enlightening.

3rd Exp: (last night) Intention Statement/Finger Stick tuning: restful sleep, improve health and loose weight. (this will be my pre-sleep intention statement for the next month)
Got 8 hrs of good sleep, lucid entertaining dreams of no real recall (need to start a dream journal)
Started this morning with coffee, meditation and a walk in the woods.

Also the TimeNoMore sticker (a new addition) is "slick" enough to provide for a good finger stick reaction.

Not as "heavy" as an HDR; just enough to open your third eye and let your subconscious speak.
I think I'm going to like this device :)
@PaulaJedi I'm going to Orlando on the 1st of June,
did you want to meet up and I'll give you one of these units?

Of course we want you to post your results here. ;)
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