Freddie Gray So Far Not Connected to Freemasons, As Were Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin

And i agree he did not deserve to die, but he put him self into this situation by his own doing and his own life choices, he choose to ran, he choose to break the law enough that the police knew who he was, this was his life choice and this is where it got him, he is not fully innocent in this.

And i agree the cop needs to be dealt with and punished for it.

But it doesn't change the fact he put him self in the situation.

And yes i was in trouble when i was younger, and no the cops here are by no means like Andy Griffin Champlin, MN was the country leader in tickets for several years. And if i put my self into the situation to be thrown into a squad car, then no i would not resist, sure i may cuss em out but i wont resist because then i am asking to get my ass kicked, i am not stupid. and lets be real here 9/10 if you treat the officer with respect you'll get it back, i have gotten out of several tickets by being polite, yes sir, yes ma'am, and not lie or be a dumbshit and run
Fair enough, he broke the law and the cops deserve to be punished for MURDER, plain and simple...

But again, you're very lucky.. I've witness people getting hurt by police when they were being compliant, and cussing at a cop is enough reason for him to kick your ass, that's the truth.. But, the cops aren't supposed to kick anyone's ass! So that's the problem... Maybe law enforcement should be more selective in whom they choose to let enforce the laws.. If you can't handle a criminal giving you a hard time without beating the crap out of them or killing them, then you shouldn't be allowed to be a cop.
Einstein you didn't answer the question.

A shot to the leg could hit a artery and he could bleed out, now you're dead.
And who is to say he isn't on drugs? where he wouldn't even notice the shot to the leg.

But again you didn't answer.

You don't have the morality that I do. You want to justify murder. But apparently you have the cops on your side. They feel justified in committing murder. The gauntlet has been thrown. So now I am sucked into your justifiable murder war. If that day does arrive, I will not hesitate to kill every murderer I can aim my gun at. It will be war. So all murder is justified. Is that the world you are rooting for? Where everyone joins in to kill? Because it sure does look like the provocation is there.

If that is the world you want, go for it.

Not all murder is evil though Einstein and that is what i am trying to convey, if you killed that crazy man with a gun and saved hundreds of lives do you think you deserve to die for it?

If some thug kills a random guy for a wallet, then yes he would deserve to die as well, but not all incidents should be treated the same as all incidents have variables and that is why we have court, now yes court isn't always right and some times wrong people are punished, but it is better than just killing everyone with no trial.

Justified Murder would be a example i gave you, of you killing that man to save that bus.
Unjustified would be killing a man for his wallet or because he looked at you wrong, they are 2 big differences.
And i agree he did not deserve to die, but he put him self into this situation by his own doing and his own life choices, he choose to ran, he choose to break the law enough that the police knew who he was, this was his life choice and this is where it got him, he is not fully innocent in this.

And i agree the cop needs to be dealt with and punished for it.

But it doesn't change the fact he put him self in the situation.

And yes i was in trouble when i was younger, and no the cops here are by no means like Andy Griffin Champlin, MN was the country leader in tickets for several years. And if i put my self into the situation to be thrown into a squad car, then no i would not resist, sure i may cuss em out but i wont resist because then i am asking to get my ass kicked, i am not stupid. and lets be real here 9/10 if you treat the officer with respect you'll get it back, i have gotten out of several tickets by being polite, yes sir, yes ma'am, and not lie or be a dumbshit and run
Fair enough, he broke the law and the cops deserve to be punished for MURDER, plain and simple...

But again, you're very lucky.. I've witness people getting hurt by police when they were being compliant, and cussing at a cop is enough reason for him to kick your ass, that's the truth.. But, the cops aren't supposed to kick anyone's ass! So that's the problem... Maybe law enforcement should be more selective in whom they choose to let enforce the laws.. If you can't handle a criminal giving you a hard time without beating the crap out of them or killing them, then you shouldn't be allowed to be a cop.

This reminds me of a story, my best friend was always in trouble with the law, they knew him by name in Anoka and he has a hellish rap sheet from possession to robbery, if the cops pulled him over he gave him all his info and did what they said and he never got his ass beat for it, if they stopped him on the street he put his hands on his head and waited for their command, and he never once got beat up by the police. Yet another friend of mine when i was a kid was a runner, if he seen the cops he ran, and sure enough he woudl get tackled and not handled with care, the situations can all be handled differently by both partys.
I can see that no matter how I reply, someone will disagree with me, so here goes...

There will always be good and bad people, and everything in between. These people don't all fit one category, and it's impossible to apply with 100% certainty a stereotype to an individual. However, such stereotypes exist for a reason.

Having said that, there are bigger issues here that have not yet been addressed. First off, the ones calling for expansion of police powers and militarization thereof most often are those who think they can gain from it. Did you know that former mayor Bloomberg of New York referred to the NYPD as his own personal army? Sounds like a power trip to me.

Not only that, but after 9/11, many police departments in the US were trained by Israelis. That means that police work has been outsourced, just like manufacturing, technical support, and a host of other professions. To make matters worse, this has been accompanied by the donation by the Pentagon of military hardware left over from the Iraq war to police departments across the country.

I agree with PoisonApple that cops should not be the ones punishing criminals. This nation was founded upon the premise that all governments ultimately become corrupt, and checks and balances, as well as division of power, are the surest safeguard against it.

Effectively, they've created a multi-class system, or an "us vs them" mentality. When corrupt cops are given paid vacations for breaking the law, it sends a message to the others that they can get away with it, too.

I disagree with Einstein about treating self-defense as murder. It's an unfortunate reality that self defense is sometimes necessary, and no normal person wants anything bad to happen. However, one would have to be acutely unaware of the condition of the world to think it should be treated the same as murder.
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But that reason you give apparently isn't being used to justify these senseless murders. The number one reason by cops is fear for their lives. And 10 times out of 10 that reason results in someone's death. If you're a cop making these kinds of mistakes, I feel policing is something you shouldn't be doing. The public shares my opinion. A fearful person should be tested and filtered out from becoming a cop.

If no reason existed to justify murder, then there would be no justifiable murders. If you've got a reason to murder, then off to the execution chamber you go.

But that reason you give apparently isn't being used to justify these senseless murders. The number one reason by cops is fear for their lives. And 10 times out of 10 that reason results in someone's death. If you're a cop making these kinds of mistakes, I feel policing is something you shouldn't be doing. The public shares my opinion. A fearful person should be tested and filtered out from becoming a cop.

If no reason existed to justify murder, then there would be no justifiable murders. If you've got a reason to murder, then off to the execution chamber you go.

So if you're in a situation where an individual is going to set off a Nuclear device to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and the only option is to kill him, you do nothing, and if you save those people you should be killed for it?

I guess my argument is that death has valid reasons depending on situations.
Einstein, again you are avoiding my conversation and picking out minor details, and you still haven't fully answered my question to you yet.

Watch the video at the beginning of all this i posted, and really, this is getting very dull as we are going back and forth over the same issue.

But that reason you give apparently isn't being used to justify these senseless murders. The number one reason by cops is fear for their lives. And 10 times out of 10 that reason results in someone's death. If you're a cop making these kinds of mistakes, I feel policing is something you shouldn't be doing. The public shares my opinion. A fearful person should be tested and filtered out from becoming a cop.

If no reason existed to justify murder, then there would be no justifiable murders. If you've got a reason to murder, then off to the execution chamber you go.

So if you're in a situation where an individual is going to set off a Nuclear device to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and the only option is to kill him, you do nothing, and if you save those people you should be killed for it?

I guess my argument is that death has valid reasons depending on situations.

Would I sacrifice my life to save millions. I probably would. Since I would die either way. I don't agree with you of course. There should never be a valid reason to take a life. As long as those silly reasons exist, murderers get away with murder.

But that reason you give apparently isn't being used to justify these senseless murders. The number one reason by cops is fear for their lives. And 10 times out of 10 that reason results in someone's death. If you're a cop making these kinds of mistakes, I feel policing is something you shouldn't be doing. The public shares my opinion. A fearful person should be tested and filtered out from becoming a cop.

If no reason existed to justify murder, then there would be no justifiable murders. If you've got a reason to murder, then off to the execution chamber you go.

So if you're in a situation where an individual is going to set off a Nuclear device to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and the only option is to kill him, you do nothing, and if you save those people you should be killed for it?

I guess my argument is that death has valid reasons depending on situations.

Would I sacrifice my life to save millions. I probably would. Since I would die either way. I don't agree with you of course. There should never be a valid reason to take a life. As long as those silly reasons exist, murderers get away with murder.

Yeah, try to explain that to a lion or anything else that exists in nature and is a carnivore.
