French Government Votes To Replace Mother/Father With Parent 1/Parent 2!!!


Senior Member
This vote is for the "trans-gender"idiots who represent just 5% of the French population!...What follows next in the vile pernicious Globalist agenda, Child 1/Child 2/Child 3/ etc etc etc :ROFLMAO:..



Senior Member
Theirs a reason the common folks are out in yellow vests saying enough is E fucking Nuff

Fortunately for 95% of the French people, President Macrons popularity has descended to a mere 15% in a recent poll, which means when the next French election takes place, Marine Le Pens right wing party National Rally, will completely obliterate Macron`s vile lunatic left wing party!!......Vive La France (y)...


Senior Member
I have read somewhere that Marine Le Pens is hardly as right wing as she is portrayed, though. I am not sure what to believe.


Junior Member
First off this left wing political B.S needs to stop! They are as goes
Mother and Father! I am so sick of these things thinking just because I have a mental problem EVERYONE has to change how they are things because I will be offended. Well all I can say is I am offended of the stupidity of these people!!!!!!
Either you are a male of female!!!!!!
Just cause you cut it off or stuck it back in don't make you a female!!!!! Just cause you take pills to make your testosterone to be higher don't make you a male!
They need mental health help NOT telling ppl to change how they think.
A all population of these nuts jobs should not have a right to CHANGE anything.


Senior Member
Excellent posting, i agree with everything that you said...The present far left wing governments are simply following the pernicious Globalist agenda, which fortunately is being eroded world wide by return to a more right wing Conservative approach to government....Macron, the French President has seen his support dwindle rapidly from the French people, and this latest move of his will see an even further drop in support!!


Senior Member
What if this is just all part of the alien agenda to unify us as a nameless faceless race so that it's easier to obliterate us :LOL:?

Excellent point, maybe the whole Globalist agenda was created from some "well meaning alien", who does not fully understand the nature of us human beings :LOL:..........Every Nation on Earth has its own "identity", typified by Culture, Customs and Traditions, but nevertheless still wish to interact with other nations, without necessarily relinquishing their own identifiable cultures customs and traditions...

People mostly in Western civilisations are very concerned about their own identities, especially when mass migration is being thrust upon them by their own Left Wing Governments :cautious:..
