-- Polygon Pattern Program --
-- press space bar to see a new pattern
-- press any other key to quit
constant GRAPHICS_MODE = 19 -- SVGA, if this fails try mode 18
? ?-- see also euphoria\include\graphics.e
without type_check
include music.e
include graphics.e
include select.e
include machine.e
include image.e
-- use_vesa(1) -- for ATI cards
constant TRUE = 1
sequence config, pal, scale
atom mode, white
integer code
scale = {360,378,405,432,450,480,504,540,576,600,648,680,720}
mode = 0
white = 7.8028549
function mag( atom number )
if number < 0 then
return -number
end if
return number
end function
function angle( atom x, atom y, atom n)
n = n/PI*126
if x != 0 then
if x < 0 then
?if y = 0 then
?return 2*n*PI
?end if
?return n*(arctan(y/x)+2*PI)
end if
?if y = 0 then
?return n*PI
?end if
return n*(arctan(y/x)+PI)
end if
if y > 0 then
return 3*n*PI/2
end if
return n*PI/2
end function
function inv( atom v )
if v != 0 then
return 1/v
end if
return v
end function
function cut( atom top, atom low, atom num )
if num > top then
return top
elsif num < low then
return low
return num
end if
end function
function rad( atom x, atom y )
return (power(power( x,2) + power (y,2),0.5))
end function
function bounce ( atom deg, atom base, atom case )
return floor(deg*power(power(case,2),.5)+base )
end function
function poly_pattern()
?integer color, ncolors,fully, fullx, halfy, halfx, key,
red, grn, blu, n
atom zoom, speed,increase, x, y, Time, rad3, rad2,Sound,colour,
? ?x2,y2
pal = palette( hue, {red,grn,blu})
end for
?x2 = 1
?y2 = 1
?while TRUE do
for i = 1 to fullx do
for j = 1 to fully do
?x = i - halfx
?y = j - halfy
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