Future Governments


Junior Member
Future Governments

Have you ever considered what type of government may be in power in the future? I dont mean weather it will be conservative or labour, democrat or republican, I am looking at the form of government. Why is it that when people consider the future they always presume that democracy will continue? Democracy has only existed for a very short period of time. Taking lessons from history the most popular form of government has been some sort of monarchy.

Democracy seems too fragile to exist into the future. Democracy involves the complete involvement of a nation who conduct themselves by rules that are self regulating. Democracy presumes that all political parties play fairly, why does one party not just murder the opposition or stage a military coup? I feel this is because we live in a relativly safe civilised society where our liberties are never truely threated by which party gains control.

But what of the future? Surely democracys delicate balance would begin to topple if national or global disasters occured. What would be the effect if global food shortages struck due to over population? Or a exchange of nuclear weapons occured? do you think an impoverished society would recompose itself and set about establishing a democratic system where by all citizens have a voice? or would tyranical regimes rise from the ashes of nuclear holocaust and rule with an iron fist stealing and pillaging resources from one another? We can see from our short history in the 20th century that establishing democratic rule is unstable societies usually fails, examples such as the rise of Nazi germany after the first world war and what is currently happening in Iraq. Is it that these unstable societies present an oppertunity to a minority of people intent on gaining power?

We must also consider, is democracy the logical development of a civilised society? It is true that in a market economy it is democratic states that fair the best, but will it be a market economy in the future? Will the market democratic system continue to expand and expand and eventually pop when resources and land dry up?

What then is the ultimate form of government? I dont ylet think their is a ultimate form of government. Communism worked for several years but eventually collapse, and some may say that Nazi Germany was a highly civilised society. If any of you have played civilisation call to power you may remember the option to run your state as a virtual democracy. Virtual democracy was ran by a giant computer, being a giant computer it could understand all the wants and needs of the people and so chose the most democratic options all the time. In a sense people no longer needed to consider politics or governments because everything was controled by this giant computer. So is the ultimate form of government one where people dont even need to consider it?

What do you think our future rulers will be?

No apologise for length or width.


Re: Future Governments

If Bush has his way, it will be "The New World Order" with him as the ruler.


Junior Member
Re: Future Governments

I dont want to start going into small scale current politics, bush exists in a democratic system, but what happens when that system ends? and why does it end?


Junior Member
Re: Future Governments

Dang Ironside100, you DO have some free time for esoteric thought! You must work for the same people I do...

I think you are right. Monarchies seem to be the longest lasting type of government (though there are many different varieties of them currently present in the world, Heck my wife's country is a socialist state with a monarchy. GO FIGURE.

I think it is still a natural instinct for humans to follow a "Leader". Whether it is small scale group dynamics or grander and larger national arenas. They (we) want a ruler, with a name and a face. Someone whjo broadly appeals to the masses. Strong, but "Fair". Strong...hmmm...against what? What can possibly drive a nation together, putting most if not all political differences aside to follow one leader...heck, even the Roman emperors kept around a senate. Made the yokels happy. (Actually, I think only the merchant class really loved them)

I would not blink twice if an empire with an honest to goodness Emperor were to appear sometime in the next 100 or so years. King is not enough. Dictator, too much of one mans personal ideology. He dies (or is killed, the government collapses....ala banana republic).

Look at how long Rome lasted. Three times as long as the USA. From a Kingdom, to a Republic, to an Empire...to extinction. Kings came back. Vicious circle begins again.

This is my personal bleary eyed reply, up WAY too late at night/early morning, this is the chit-chat area, right?



Junior Member
Re: Future Governments

thanks for your reply jim I thought this thread was long since dead. Very interesting thoughts there, and I totally agree with your idea on people needing a visable leader. As for having free time for esoteric thought, Im a student, I always have free time.
