Interview Genesis of the New American Revolution

IMG_1304.JPG Hello all: citizens, foreigners, tyrants, slaves, freemen, and soldiers;

My name is Zack Martin. I live in southern Florida, United States of America. I am a private security contractor for the state of Florida. I am here to provide all of you with information so that you yourselves may make educated, well-informed decisions on your own. I am not here to tell you what to think, or believe, as no one else has that right.

Some of the information that I am about to provide you is very private. I have nothing to hide from you, I am your friend, and a descendant of one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. Even if I do not agree with something that you may have to say, I will defend to the death your right to say it. Please decide for yourselves the fate of your nation with the information that you have at hand.

Some of you may judge me in a light of self preseveration, if you do, ask yourselves: "is it not the duty of every citizen to preserve the nation?" I will assist all of you to that cause, but only if I am alive. I am of no value to the free citizens of this nation martyred as another Christopher Dorner. The decision is yours to make. You will be left with the government that you deserve, having earned it from the sweat of your own action or inaction.

Zack Martin


Hello and welcome to the forum.

I'm sure several members are looking forward to discussing these information with you.

Talk to you soon, take care.

Good evening comrads,

Over the next few posts, this interview is going to present evidence covering several court cases, several incident reports from law enforcement agencies, and the end results of those actions. I am going to give all of you the tools necessary for you to make well-informed decisions for yourselves. I am going to ask in return that each of you examine which, if any, parts of the constitution and bill of rights were violated, and what solutions, if any, need to be implemented in order to maintain strict adherence by all to the supreme law of this land. I am also going to ask each of you to assist me in defining domestic terrorism and discussing several possible solutions to effectively neutralize such a threat. if a determination is made that such a threat exists.

Zack Martin
