Ghost pyromaniac?

Re: Ghost pyromaniac?

Personally, I doubt the veracity of the report.

But I ain't dead yet, so I can't say for sure whether ghosts are real.

Of course, when I am dead, I will still be unable to say whether ghosts are real, right?

Catch 22.

Therefore, nobody can say that ghosts are real.

Hence, ghosts aren't real. Not in the sense that they exist, that is.


Re: Ghost pyromaniac?

Say what?

" Therefore, nobody can say that ghosts are real.

Hence, ghosts aren't real. Not in the sense that they exist, that is."

(not a chance, this is one of Harte's Pop Quizes)

Balderdash with a soupçon of Poppycock.

Perhaps it's all those arm dislocations you have experienced over to the other place patting around L12.

Convoluted logic sans actual experience does not mean that other people are unable to say Ghosts are real.

All you can go by is that you, up to this moment in time, have not experienced ghosts. That doesn't have a thing to do with what other people are able or will be able to experience and relate.

Also, not being in the state of dead, you have no clue as to whether or not you can communicate with the living YET.

Man, that's not even a catch 2.326.

Re: Ghost pyromaniac?

Well, I did used to watch a lot of Casper.

And, I like Space Ghost. Even the old, original Space Ghost.

Re: Ghost pyromaniac?

See there? And THAT was before the Coco Pebbles & Cap'n Crunch got soggy. (breakfast smores)

Wait a min, what about The Canterville Ghost. A classic, real life tale if ever there was one.
Re: Ghost pyromaniac?

And how did he become "gone"?

What a way to go by the by, being walled up without even a shank of beef or hogs head or two of ale to while away the final wee hours...
Re: Ghost pyromaniac?

Didn't they help him walk through to the other side? The one girl in the family who listened to him, she had to cry and pray for him... or am I remembering it wrong?
Re: Ghost pyromaniac?

It's worth the watch if you haven't seen Margaret O'Brien cry lately. Interesting note about her, Directors loved her because she could cry real tears on cue.
