H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes


Active Member
H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

Let'z start this post by saying that as usual we live in a country that has many, and I do mean many alterior motivez. This summer has been filled with the almighty presence of mother nature'z worst concoction: the hurricane. But let'z closely examine this for a bit my good friendz. For sixty years this fair country of ourz hasn't seen anything nearly as bad as the storms we have had in the past few weeks. Now most of you are probably wondering why I am discussing this. Well, to be blunt and simple, it relates to three thingz. 1.The High Atmospheric Research Project, also known as H.A.R.P, 2. Contrials (which I might add have been seen by countless of Americans), and 3. Our illustrius military. Now to thicken the plot, we have to examine the reasons in which these three forms of reasoning have led me to deduce these current eventz. To start, we have to take a little history lesson. In the early to late 1940's our government was conducting research at high altitudes in order to spy on Mother Russia. (During this time the Cold War was about to begin or, as far as we know, had begun) but what we didn't know was that not only were we experimenting with high altitude listening devices, we were also experimenting with the weather as well. Now, we must ask ourselvez what better way to control a battlefield than to control the weather. I mean after all, if soldiers can't see past rain or snow, how can they fight? This leads me to topic two: Contrails. Since the early 70's the U.S has been secretly using planez (C-130's and others) to release into the upper jet stream chemicalz that can not only cause rain and super stormz, but also viral and bio-tech agents into the air over our peaceful cities. Now why, you may ask would our government, who so wantz to protect our peace do this? The answer is simple my friendz. We are the perfect guiniea pigz. What better way to test new agents (whether biological or chemical) than to drop em on our heads. These planes fly at ranges of 50,000 feet and when these substances are released, freeze and become crystalized which cause them to fall on our heads in the form of rain, snow....ya get the picture. So we can deduce that using these techniques, weather is and is currently being manipulated. Now the H.A.R.P project (in conjuction with these so called chemtrails or contrailz, whichever ya prefer) can create quite a tropical stew to throw our way. Add 99% government, 1% diversion (Example: Why all the hurricanez during a year in which we not only have an election, but a war in Iraq) and ya get the perfect mix......A diversionary experiment that the masses can't grasp. So by now ya might be wonderin why? Well, simply put we the country, and these massive hurricanes are all data to be reamed over by "the man" The qusetion remains though, when you see a high altitude plane flyin above your town, is it just jet fuel, or the next super storm, or maybe a virus to kill us all.......the ending here isn't written but many questions remain..I just wanted to throw an edditorial to not only enlighten, but educate.

*This is a post by ZeoEmeraude. My viewz are my own and do not reflect this site or it'z members. Please respond if you feel compelled to do so.*

To dwell in thed past is to die in the present. May peace favor you.
H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

Call me a conspiracy nut, but this thing of chemtrails is getting my heavy attention.
Well, maybe I'm tired to see jets spraying dirt over my head for hours, or I'm tired to cough without any apparent reason. I'm investigating the topic: still don't know if they're deliberately spraying chemicals with the purpose of killing us all, or simply because they plan to intervene on the climate mess in order to avoid the worst (anyway, I prefer hurricanes or heat than unknown and unspoken chemicals in my lungs).

What convinced me there's something strange is the discovery I made they had a Parliament discussion about that. Two senators made a questioning to the Govt about chemtrails (the Defense Department gave no answer): they wouldn't do that if it's all Internet paranoia.

(In case you're asking yourselves: yes, they're spraying all over Europe. In Croatia, I've heard, they began to see chemtrails the day AFTER they joined the NATO. Nice, huh?)

H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

What's interesting is that people who've been seing normal CONtrails from planes are noticing the different CHEMtrails from jets.

CONtrails are natural occurance with jets. Something to do with warmer air being expelled from the jet into the colder atmosphere at that altitude. Contrails dissipate rather quickly though after they're made.

CHEMtrails behave differently. Instead of disappearing, they expand to cover a certain portion of the sky. Another interesting thing about them is that in areas where chemtrails are reported most often, scientists are finding that there is a much higher presense of aluminim oxide in the air in levels that have been deemed unsafe.

Perhaps they are using this to reflect sun back out of the atmosphere as some kind of weather control....?

H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

As you've said Heggy, it is water being Condensed out of the air under pressure from the trailing edge of the wing, hence Con-trail.

Need to re-read the lead post again, to find out what the cut and thrust of this thread was about.
H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

I know, LOL i've gotten 90 minutes of sleep so I didn't read it all.... Just Cornelias. Felt chatty after that.
H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

Originally posted by ZeoEmeraude@Sep 20 2004, 12:33 AM
Let'z start this post by saying that as usual we live in a country that has many, and I do mean many alterior motivez. This summer has been filled with the almighty presence of mother nature'z worst concoction: the hurricane. But let'z closely examine this for a bit my good friendz. For sixty years this fair country of ourz hasn't seen anything nearly as bad as the storms we have had in the past few weeks. Now most of you are probably wondering why I am discussing this. Well, to be blunt and simple, it relates to three thingz. 1.The High Atmospheric Research Project, also known as H.A.R.P, 2. Contrials (which I might add have been seen by countless of Americans), and 3. Our illustrius military. Now to thicken the plot, we have to examine the reasons in which these three forms of reasoning have led me to deduce these current eventz. To start, we have to take a little history lesson. In the early to late 1940's our government was conducting research at high altitudes in order to spy on Mother Russia. (During this time the Cold War was about to begin or, as far as we know, had begun) but what we didn't know was that not only were we experimenting with high altitude listening devices, we were also experimenting with the weather as well. Now, we must ask ourselvez what better way to control a battlefield than to control the weather. I mean after all, if soldiers can't see past rain or snow, how can they fight? This leads me to topic two: Contrails. Since the early 70's the U.S has been secretly using planez (C-130's and others) to release into the upper jet stream chemicalz that can not only cause rain and super stormz, but also viral and bio-tech agents into the air over our peaceful cities. Now why, you may ask would our government, who so wantz to protect our peace do this? The answer is simple my friendz. We are the perfect guiniea pigz. What better way to test new agents (whether biological or chemical) than to drop em on our heads. These planes fly at ranges of 50,000 feet and when these substances are released, freeze and become crystalized which cause them to fall on our heads in the form of rain, snow....ya get the picture. So we can deduce that using these techniques, weather is and is currently being manipulated. Now the H.A.R.P project (in conjuction with these so called chemtrails or contrailz, whichever ya prefer) can create quite a tropical stew to throw our way. Add 99% government, 1% diversion (Example: Why all the hurricanez during a year in which we not only have an election, but a war in Iraq) ?and ya get the perfect mix......A diversionary experiment that the masses can't grasp. So by now ya might be wonderin why? Well, simply put we the country, and these massive hurricanes are all data to be reamed over by \"the man\" The qusetion remains though, when you see a high altitude plane flyin above your town, is it just jet fuel, or the next super storm, or maybe a virus to kill us all.......the ending here isn't written but many questions remain..I just wanted to throw an edditorial to not only enlighten, but educate.

*This is a post by ZeoEmeraude. My viewz are my own and do not reflect this site or it'z members. Please respond if you feel compelled to do so.*

This looks awfully stagey. It reminds me of those old Hollywood pictures when somebody would try to talk hepcat in order to dig the crazy scene.

It raises the question of why someone would want to come on the Time Travel Forum and get up a discussion of the contrails, and looks as though someone wants to know what may be known about this fairly narrow and lowkey "conspiracy theory" by members.

Maybe Zero here is a plant. Maybe the subject of the trails should be looked into more thoroughly after all; maybe the authorities are worried that everyone has noticed the tomfoolery in the skies.
H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

I don't know if Zeo is a plant, but his posts are suspicious IMO. Thanks Paul and August for your vigilence. As to scalar technology and controlled weather, there is a weather man in the Pacific Northwest who has noticed some highly unusual weather anomalies in his area. He believes that the weather is being controlled. Here's a link to a site I visit daily for unusual news items that devoted a page to Scott Stevens' (weatherman) findings.

Serious question: Are Hurricanes: Scalar?

I didn't post the article as it is mostly pictures - weird cloud formation pictures. And I ain't talking "Ooh, that one looks like a bunny with a lion's head" weird. Weird as in squares. Ever seen a square cloud? I haven't.

Thought those interested in this would find it interesting.

ZeoEmeraude, watch your step there, buckshot. We don't suffer fools lightly here. You got a number of astute members watching you now, bubba. Mind your manners per Paul's admonishment. The thread that was closed was disturbing to me. What you trying to pull boy? Nothing bad I hope - for your sake. As August and Paul requested, who's your sponsor and what are you up to here? Also, in the chat room, your behaviour is most odd. You put up cryptic phrases sporadically, but don't really participate in the conversation. You throw in a sound emoticon every now and then, and then leave. What's your point in all of that? Don't answer that question except to yourself.

H.A.R.P. Contrailz, and Hurricanes

The begining post has as much truth to it as Refer Madness did back in it's day.

I am with Paul and Cary on this, the thread has a odour of a look see from a internet LURPS.
