Had an experience


where the wild things are
Couple minutes ago. Tried to take pictures and audio and nothing came up, but I heard and felt some strange things...

It started off with the room getting really warm. The rest of the house cold, since its in the 40s outside. Thermostat in the living room was at 68 and then rose to 74 and now its down to 71. The cats were in the bedroom asleep then all of a sudden they got up and started running around the house, looking out windows and meowing. Three cats. I'm at my grandparents house, which I have had experiences here before. My grandparents are away on vacation and I'm house sitting for them.

I suddenly felt like I was being watched, got really nervous and paranoid and twitchy. I got up and went outside to look around, make sure nothing was lurking. Nothing was out there. Came back inside and it was still warm in the living room but cold elsewhere in the house. Finally sat down and spoke aloud and said "Hey you're free to go about your business and I'll go about mine, I mean no trouble"

After that I heard light footsteps going down the stairwell, and a bag rustling, like someone was taking out the trash, got up and checked the room with the cats, they settled down and were asleep.

I'm feeling better. My paranoia/nervousness is gone. Didn't hear any voices, just the footsteps and something rustling like a bag. Sounded like a plastic bag.

Its 12am and the only noises are the birds/crickets and other animals outside. And the occasional car coming down the road. I'm in the urban/country area. Out in the middle of nowhere with bad cell phone reception lol.

But yeah, interesting experience... I usually feel like this before an experience. Like I'm being watched. So I'm accustomed to it, thought I would share.


I think it's very interesting that after a few experiences, you are able to pretty much identify the very feeling that can possibly make you aware that something is about to happen in a short time. How many times would you say you needed before you were able to identify that feeling like you did the other night?

Do you think that the fact you tried to communicate made a difference at all?


where the wild things are
I'm rather aware of my surroundings, so I don't often get a "being watched" feeling and any time I've ever experienced the "being watched" feeling it was right before a ghostly/spiritual encounter. I guess I'm like a cat, totally in tune with his surroundings, have a knack for detail and catching things when they are out of place. In terms of how many times it took for me to realize the "being watched" feeling is the key, probably right after my tenth experience. Which is probably to this day the most considerable proof I have that there is a world beyond our own.

If you're wondering what the tenth experience was:

Family Deaths (2001 and 2004) | Ghostly Experiences Journal

In regards to me speaking making a difference, I believe it did. I think when you're in the presence of an otherworldly being, especially when you aren't a frequent visitor to the environment they are in, to make yourself known and let them know you aren't there to cause problems and they can go about their business. They are probably a former resident or owner of the house/building and have as much right to be there as you.

I've really never had a negative experience with the paranormal, some people report scratches, bite marks, things being thrown at them, etc. I've never had that happen, and its probably because I announce myself and make it clear I'm not a threat to them.

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I've really never had a negative experience with the paranormal, some people report scratches, bite marks, things being thrown at them, etc. I've never had that happen, and its probably because I announce myself and make it clear I'm not a threat to them.

Agreed. I do that, too. I talk like a normal person, too, and treat them like a person, not a thing.


Hmm. Do you believe that people who happen to have bad experiences, have them because they are hostile towards the possible paranormal manifestations?

In other words, if you had an aggressive or violent reaction to this "entity" the other night, would it have ended differently?


where the wild things are
Hmm. Do you believe that people who happen to have bad experiences, have them because they are hostile towards the possible paranormal manifestations?

In other words, if you had an aggressive or violent reaction to this "entity" the other night, would it have ended differently?

Of course. If you're hostile towards it, its going to be hostile back and I also believe that there are other conditions where it can be hostile towards a person or group of people, when no noticeable negativity is being exhibited. Its like a dog, they can sense things that we normally cannot. You have dogs that can sense cancer, sense drugs, etc. They might latch onto a negative memory, or negative mental emotion and become malevolent due to that.

Or it could just be an evil presence. Sometimes that happens. I bet if I had acted differently, that it would have acted differently. It was an intelligent experience, instead of residual.
