Senior Member
Happy Birthday Grayson!
Happy Birthday Grayson!!!
I bought you a bottle of The very best Single Malt this earth had to offer, there was nothing finer to be had under the Sun. Being the astute person that I am, and not wanting to be part of a Hoax, I just had to test it to make sure their claim was above board and they were not pulling my leg.
I did, They were not Hoaxing. I could not believe the taste and was reminded of an elixer of the Gods from a long ago past life, I was forced to test it again as I could not belive what my senses were telling me. I did, the sensations of the sublime swallow begs words that just do not happen to exist in our language, thus I was forced once again to *Hic* see if I could possibly be able to explain the wonder of the libation I had bought you so, sadly, I was once again forced to test it.
I tested it again. Even More Sadly, I had to answer a business call and had to put Nirvana on earth from my mind and take care of business. Once that was done, I tested your present to reaquaint myself with Nirvana *Hic* Hold A moment, I am having a thought, *Hic* Nope, just gas, where where we , er where were we, yest thats it, *Hic*, Iam hering sunds of angles abut now, time fer another shot, AHHHH, yer jus not gonna bleive it m'frend, thish ish soooooo sepecil *Hic* an.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Happy Birthday Grayson!!!
I bought you a bottle of The very best Single Malt this earth had to offer, there was nothing finer to be had under the Sun. Being the astute person that I am, and not wanting to be part of a Hoax, I just had to test it to make sure their claim was above board and they were not pulling my leg.
I did, They were not Hoaxing. I could not believe the taste and was reminded of an elixer of the Gods from a long ago past life, I was forced to test it again as I could not belive what my senses were telling me. I did, the sensations of the sublime swallow begs words that just do not happen to exist in our language, thus I was forced once again to *Hic* see if I could possibly be able to explain the wonder of the libation I had bought you so, sadly, I was once again forced to test it.
I tested it again. Even More Sadly, I had to answer a business call and had to put Nirvana on earth from my mind and take care of business. Once that was done, I tested your present to reaquaint myself with Nirvana *Hic* Hold A moment, I am having a thought, *Hic* Nope, just gas, where where we , er where were we, yest thats it, *Hic*, Iam hering sunds of angles abut now, time fer another shot, AHHHH, yer jus not gonna bleive it m'frend, thish ish soooooo sepecil *Hic* an.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz