Haunted Bedroom??

The stuff I just described happened in person.

Before that, I had given a clairvoyant reading to someone with a haunted house, and one of the "things" in the house basically looked like a black cloud with no distinct form. I knew it was evil. I've had various ideas over the years regarding why evil spirits would look like that, and my current idea is that the mind must be kept healthy to look healthy, just like the body. You can tell when someone neglects to take care of their body because of weight, size, how they move & act, etc. Well I think that someone that continually harbors evil thoughts and doesn't take care of their mind in a healthy way becomes sort of a ghostly slob (lol that's the only description I could think of).
So the bedroom has been relatively quiet for awhile, though the closet door still opens sometimes (and one it did open and shut very loudly which was startling!), but we are used to that. HOWEVER last night, it started with a very bad dream I had. I was dreaming that a woman I met recently (who had come to do meter readings of our apartment to check the RF/microwave exposure levels as I have recently become what's called 'Electro-sensitive' meaning I am having adverse reactions to being around cell phones, cell towers and wifi (all microwave admitting sources) like headaches, dizziness, disorientation and nausea. Anyway she also owns an ELF meter (which some people use in 'ghost hunting' as ghosts are supposed to give off electromagnetic energy) but she forgot to bring it when she came by last week. So I dreamed that she came with that meter and checked the house but did not find anything, just then I was paralyzed and became very cold (in the dream, though I woke feeling like I was coming out of some kind of sleep paralysis) and I felt that a ghost had just overtaken me and I could not speak. She was about to leave and so was my boyfriend with her, so I tried to call to them to come to me and not leave and to tell them that the ghost was right with me. But no words came out, I called and called until I woke myself moaning and nearly yelling and of course woke my boyfriend in bed next to me. I explained about the dream and he got scared too because he had just been wondering about our ghost before bed apparently and worried a little. What I didn't tell him until morning was the part where this voice came to me, like a demon's voice that said 'NEVER LEAVE'! I wasn't sure if that was a command to me/us or it was saying IT would never leave. The thing is we have talked a lot lately about moving because I need to get to a safer, lower RF place to live, but don't know where to go since that is harder and harder to find. But that voice was terrible and the feeling of it. I had a hard time going back to sleep but when I did, I woke up maybe an hour or so later to my cat meowing by the bed…
Now I have to explain something here. So we recently made a large faraday cage for the bed so I could sleep without my neighbors' wifi bugging me so much. And it really was working. We did a good job on it (well mainly my partner was the one) and we really love sleeping in it. We have both been sleeping better and mostly not having any bad dreams at all (Something I had been plagued with prior to sleeping in the enclosure). We made it with double doors so it would be easy to get in and out of. My old cat has gotten used to waiting on the other side of the doors for us to let him in when he wants to get in the bed with us at night (though mostly he sleeps in the living room at night and in the bedroom in the day). The other thing to mention is that my partner was just saying before bed how he had wondered if our ghost could ever get trapped inside the cage. he said he mostly felt like it kept the ghost out since it blocks most all EMFs. But could it get in and then we would close it in accidentally? That was the question. So this conversation may have put this idea in my head I admit. But what we both have also noticed is that one of our doors hasn't been staying shut well so the other night when HE had a nightmare, we discovered the door had come open (so the EMFs would be getting in). Last night I found the same thing, that it had been cracked open during my nightmare.
BUT here's the weird part. So I slept again after the nightmare and woke to my cat meowing outside my door (the bed enclosure's door). I pushed it open to let him in, but he wasn't there. (there is a curtain over the door so at night you can't see). I thought maybe he was behind the door (sometimes he get confused about where to stand when we open it, he's very old and part blind), so I waited for him to come around it, but he didn't and he didn't meow again so I closed it and went back to bed figuring maybe he had changed his mind. Well maybe 2 hours later I heard the meow again and it woke me. I opened the door again and did not find my cat there. So I got up to check to see where the was. Not not on the other side of the door. No he was on the couch fast asleep. I had to nudge him awake. This was very disconcerting as I have never had anything like this happen before. So I went to the bathroom and heard weird knocking noises in the kitchen but found nothing there. I went back to bed, wanting to tell my partner but not wanting to scare him so just tried to go back to sleep. I did yet I was awoken ONCE AGAIN, a third time, by the same meowing outside the bed's door. Again nobody there. I went back to sleep but slept very fitfully. Finally in the early morning light my cat did come in and meow for me to get up and feed him.
So I don't know what is going on, but it was very unnerving and I am not sure what to do. I am just going to clean the apartment today, play some music and light some sage and hope things feel better soon. We also have fixed the door on our cage so that hopefully we can shut it tightly and keep all the bad energy OUT!
Thank you!
PS- sorry you dealt with an evil spirit, that's very scary! Did you write about it here anywhere?
No, it was many years ago. I haven't been on this site very long. It was terrifying at the time. Definitely not something I'd want to go through again. Basically dealing with someone who was surrounded and sometimes possessed by evil spirits. Got physically "attacked" by something unseen, but it wasn't enough to really hurt me. Was like something invisible punching a chakra or something. Hard to explain, but the physical feeling was real. Also, the building in which this occurred eventually had an overpowering stench not unlike sewage, but without any plumbing problems or anything. It also felt eerie just being there.

I made it through the stuff and ended up studying ways to beat them. Haven't had trouble since. Oh, and I prayed. lol
I am just seeing your response thank you. It gave me the shivers because lately we have been having this terrible rotten egg smell in one corner of the apartment (since the new neighbors moved in downstairs a couple of months ago) but we have linked it to the laundry use and so we think it's a plumbing issue. The neighbors say they smell it sometimes too but not really bothered by it. I am now wondering if it's linked to something else given the other issues we are having!!
PS- sorry you dealt with an evil spirit, that's very scary! Did you write about it here anywhere?
No, it was many years ago. I haven't been on this site very long. It was terrifying at the time. Definitely not something I'd want to go through again. Basically dealing with someone who was surrounded and sometimes possessed by evil spirits. Got physically "attacked" by something unseen, but it wasn't enough to really hurt me. Was like something invisible punching a chakra or something. Hard to explain, but the physical feeling was real. Also, the building in which this occurred eventually had an overpowering stench not unlike sewage, but without any plumbing problems or anything. It also felt eerie just being there.

I made it through the stuff and ended up studying ways to beat them. Haven't had trouble since. Oh, and I prayed. lol
I am just seeing your response thank you. It gave me the shivers because lately we have been having this terrible rotten egg smell in one corner of the apartment (since the new neighbors moved in downstairs a couple of months ago) but we have linked it to the laundry use and so we think it's a plumbing issue. The neighbors say they smell it sometimes too but not really bothered by it. I am now wondering if it's linked to something else given the other issues we are having!!
Hey there! It's been a while. Sorry to hear your troubles are still ongoing. The smell could be something or could be nothing at all. It's really hard to say. With the updated information you've given, though, I wouldn't discount the possibility of it being something malevolent.

I'm not sure if I asked this before, but have you noticed any unusually hot or cold spots in the apartment that couldn't be explained by heater/ac use?

I've never heard of someone sleeping in a Faraday cage before. I hope you left air holes. :D What kind of metal is it made from? The reason I ask is because any metal will block radio waves, but only certain ones will block constant magnetic fields.

This is strictly in the speculative category of ideas. Long ago, I deduced that magnetic fields are made of "wind" of tiny particles smaller than anything we have a name for. I've studied aerodynamics, and the behavior is exactly the same. Iron, being ferromagnetic, blocks a magnetic field by setting up its own magnetic field in response to it. The idea is that if ghosts are magnetic, as many believe they are, then iron should behave as a solid object/barrier to them. Interestingly, I've considered that the iron in the blood is what helps souls get "stuck" inside human bodies. Again, just speculation.

Something that has helped me sleep is to use a tone generator on a computer to make a constant 7.83Hz frequency sine wave and let it play on some headphones. The frequency is below the threshold of human hearing, and you don't even have to wear the headphones. The coil inside the speaker will make a very low level EM field, and this frequency is the first Schumann resonance, which resonates with the earth. It also happens to be in the same frequency range as human brain waves. It can cause vivid dreams, but it has never given me nightmares.

I really hope for your sake it's not something downright evil, but if it is it'll obviously have to be dealt with. Aside from the things you mentioned before (Ouija board), do you or your boyfriend have any history of occult activity? I only ask because of the unlikely chance that something from the past may have something to do with it.
No, it was many years ago. I haven't been on this site very long. It was terrifying at the time. Definitely not something I'd want to go through again. Basically dealing with someone who was surrounded and sometimes possessed by evil spirits. Got physically "attacked" by something unseen, but it wasn't enough to really hurt me. Was like something invisible punching a chakra or something. Hard to explain, but the physical feeling was real. Also, the building in which this occurred eventually had an overpowering stench not unlike sewage, but without any plumbing problems or anything. It also felt eerie just being there.

I made it through the stuff and ended up studying ways to beat them. Haven't had trouble since. Oh, and I prayed. lol
I am just seeing your response thank you. It gave me the shivers because lately we have been having this terrible rotten egg smell in one corner of the apartment (since the new neighbors moved in downstairs a couple of months ago) but we have linked it to the laundry use and so we think it's a plumbing issue. The neighbors say they smell it sometimes too but not really bothered by it. I am now wondering if it's linked to something else given the other issues we are having!!
Hey there! It's been a while. Sorry to hear your troubles are still ongoing. The smell could be something or could be nothing at all. It's really hard to say. With the updated information you've given, though, I wouldn't discount the possibility of it being something malevolent.

I'm not sure if I asked this before, but have you noticed any unusually hot or cold spots in the apartment that couldn't be explained by heater/ac use?

I've never heard of someone sleeping in a Faraday cage before. I hope you left air holes. :D What kind of metal is it made from? The reason I ask is because any metal will block radio waves, but only certain ones will block constant magnetic fields.

This is strictly in the speculative category of ideas. Long ago, I deduced that magnetic fields are made of "wind" of tiny particles smaller than anything we have a name for. I've studied aerodynamics, and the behavior is exactly the same. Iron, being ferromagnetic, blocks a magnetic field by setting up its own magnetic field in response to it. The idea is that if ghosts are magnetic, as many believe they are, then iron should behave as a solid object/barrier to them. Interestingly, I've considered that the iron in the blood is what helps souls get "stuck" inside human bodies. Again, just speculation.

Something that has helped me sleep is to use a tone generator on a computer to make a constant 7.83Hz frequency sine wave and let it play on some headphones. The frequency is below the threshold of human hearing, and you don't even have to wear the headphones. The coil inside the speaker will make a very low level EM field, and this frequency is the first Schumann resonance, which resonates with the earth. It also happens to be in the same frequency range as human brain waves. It can cause vivid dreams, but it has never given me nightmares.

I really hope for your sake it's not something downright evil, but if it is it'll obviously have to be dealt with. Aside from the things you mentioned before (Ouija board), do you or your boyfriend have any history of occult activity? I only ask because of the unlikely chance that something from the past may have something to do with it.

Hi IronClad! Thanks for your speedy response, sorry I didn't see your others till now, for some reason I did not get an email notice about it. Anyway, sorry, I did not specify, the cage is made with aluminum screens, so there is plenty of ventilation. (Screens wrapped around a sturdy large wooden frame, using aluminum tape to patch/seal any gaps). The holes in the screen are small enough that microwaves can't pass through (at least at most frequencies, I am not sure if something like 4G or 5G could get through of it there was wifi router closer to us, but from the readings we have done with the RF meter it as almost at zero, well at zero in most of it with a few spots getting a very low reading that was still considered fairly safe.. before the cage, the bedroom was definitely 'hot' as the neighbors' wifi (from two apartments) was coming in strong right under us. Used to have a lot of nightmares before the cage. There are others doing it. Ours it not dissimilar from one on youtube, don't have the link right now, but if you search 'sleep in a faraday cage' it should come up.

It's interesting what you have to say about energies and metal and iron in particular, interesting theory.

So, full disclosure, I have I guess you can say, dabbled in the occult practices. Specifically I tried some Hoodoo spells using candles and oils. Some were good spells but there was a time I was very angry at an ex and an ex friend who had betrayed me deeply and I did try sort of hexing them. I have no idea if that did anything as i was not in contact. It was a way for me to deal with my anger at the time. I had not thought of that until you mentioned it. I also played some with tarot cards, angel cards and divination stones. But I haven't done any of those in a couple of years or so. The hoodoo was maybe 5 years ago thereabouts. I did happen upon some left over supplies for that in a cupboard recently and ended up stashing them in my bedroom closet. I haven't looked to see what all is in there, but I will do so today. Maybe that has something to do with it.

As to the cold or hot spots, I will need to start to pay attention to that. But I can say that I get cold easily whereas my boyfriend tends to get hot easily. I just chalked it up to female vrs. male energy/ blood flow circulation differences, that and I have a slightly under active thyroid. But i can say that the night before last my feet were simply freezing (and my arms a bit) when I went to bed even though I was well wrapped up in blankets and felt like I really shouldn't be cold. I finally had to get up and put thick socks on and a sweater. So I don't know if that was related at all, but again, I will try to notice if there are cold spots or hot spots around and get back to you.

You know that's a good idea about the schumann resonance. I have looked into that for dealing with this ES stuff as well and I even downloaded a track that has music playing and the resonance layered under it (since as you pointed out you can't actually hear it), I have played it in the apartment a lot but not tried sleeping with it on probably because I felt the music would distract me from sleeping. Do you know where I can get it without any sound added to it? That would be great if you did. I would try that. it would be interesting to do so. I believe there is a product sold that is supposed to make that frequency in your house by plugging it in the way but some with ES (electro-senstivies) found they had issues with the EMFs given off by the electronics of the device. So I am not sure about it. Since we turn off all electricity possible (and the breaker in the bedroom) at night I would probably try my iPod (old classic iPod not equipped with wifi) and headphones for the track, once I get one without music. That could help too. Thanks for the idea. :)

PS_ I just checked the bag of spell stuff and went through it. Well in it I have the hex spell and a lot of things to go along with that (it's called a 'Hot Foot Spell'). Most of which was never used. (I did not end up doing too much with it, just a one time thing as I recall). So I am assuming I should dispose of it, but can you advise the best way to do this?
Also I found a packet called '13 Herb Spiritual Bath' which is supposed to be used in a bath to remove jinxes and crossed conditions. Do you think it would be good to do a cleansing bath with this? Also I realized I still have this Hoodoo charm above my living room doorway that is supposed to protect against evil or harm called 'Devil's shoe strings' Have you heard of it? Do you think I should get rid of that too? And I have a bag of black candles and one of different colored candles. Black candles are supposed to be used for protection but I guess they could be used differently as well. Do you think I should use those or get rid of them? Thanks for your help!!
Was this the same closet that opens on its own? Or was the closet thing already happening before you stashed the things in there?

In my life, I've noticed that, whatever thoughts I hold at a given time, I will encounter other people with similar thoughts or in similar circumstances as me. A lot of it is mundane stuff, like what I'm wearing, the type of phone I use, or things I like, and these are complete strangers who know nothing about me. The point is that thoughts are physically real and influence both ourselves and others. Like minds attract each other.

I know how agonizing a breakup can be, so I won't waste your time being judgmental. But imagine the negative thoughts that went into such a spell, and what types of entities it's likely to attract. I don't know if you're familiar with psychometry, but there are people who claim to be able to touch an object and psychically gain information from it. I haven't experienced it myself, but if it's true, then simply having the objects around could be a lasting influence, like a magnet for negative entities.

I don't know enough about hoodoo to give specific instructions within the framework of hoodoo, but I can offer some general suggestions. Depending on the type of spell, the exact steps may be different. Did you invoke any entity by name? This seems uncommon in a revenge spell, but if you did, you'd want to dismiss their services by name. Otherwise, a simple ritual of your own making, speaking aloud your intent, and specifically expressing forgiveness of the past and releasing all negative energy, should do well. Use similar implements as in the original spell (candles, oil, etc), but choose ones with no negative connotation. After you're done, burn the original items left over from the spell, if indeed you can burn them.

The voice telling you to never leave sounds an awful lot like someone angry over a breakup. Life exists on many levels and in many forms, both complex and abstract. I don't know if you attracted a full-fledged haunting or a more abstract thought form, but it's most likely attracted to someone or something holding a similar state, even if it's just an object imbued with anger.

This is the tone generator I use:

Tone Generator Software - Sound Frequency & White Noise Generator (PC or Mac)

I didn't write the program, but I've used it a lot. There is an option on the menu to write a tone to a .WAV file (you'll have to set the tone to a specific duration first). WAV files are pretty big, so I use Audacity to convert it to MP3. Both programs are free.

Also, regular speakers can be used instead of headphones. Headphones are just what I use, so it's the first thing I thought of. :P

I haven't heard of "devil's shoe strings" before, so I can't really recommend anything about that. I generally see tarot as harmless, as I consider it to be more of a guide for the subconscious mind. The most important thing, I think, is the intent that goes into each thing. Something used for guidance, protection, or blessing is starkly different than something used to curse.

My view on magic is that it's generally only as good or evil as we make it. There are exceptions, of course, but I'm rambling. :D

Good luck. :)
Was this the same closet that opens on its own? Or was the closet thing already happening before you stashed the things in there?

In my life, I've noticed that, whatever thoughts I hold at a given time, I will encounter other people with similar thoughts or in similar circumstances as me. A lot of it is mundane stuff, like what I'm wearing, the type of phone I use, or things I like, and these are complete strangers who know nothing about me. The point is that thoughts are physically real and influence both ourselves and others. Like minds attract each other.

I know how agonizing a breakup can be, so I won't waste your time being judgmental. But imagine the negative thoughts that went into such a spell, and what types of entities it's likely to attract. I don't know if you're familiar with psychometry, but there are people who claim to be able to touch an object and psychically gain information from it. I haven't experienced it myself, but if it's true, then simply having the objects around could be a lasting influence, like a magnet for negative entities.

I don't know enough about hoodoo to give specific instructions within the framework of hoodoo, but I can offer some general suggestions. Depending on the type of spell, the exact steps may be different. Did you invoke any entity by name? This seems uncommon in a revenge spell, but if you did, you'd want to dismiss their services by name. Otherwise, a simple ritual of your own making, speaking aloud your intent, and specifically expressing forgiveness of the past and releasing all negative energy, should do well. Use similar implements as in the original spell (candles, oil, etc), but choose ones with no negative connotation. After you're done, burn the original items left over from the spell, if indeed you can burn them.

The voice telling you to never leave sounds an awful lot like someone angry over a breakup. Life exists on many levels and in many forms, both complex and abstract. I don't know if you attracted a full-fledged haunting or a more abstract thought form, but it's most likely attracted to someone or something holding a similar state, even if it's just an object imbued with anger.

This is the tone generator I use:

Tone Generator Software - Sound Frequency & White Noise Generator (PC or Mac)

I didn't write the program, but I've used it a lot. There is an option on the menu to write a tone to a .WAV file (you'll have to set the tone to a specific duration first). WAV files are pretty big, so I use Audacity to convert it to MP3. Both programs are free.

Also, regular speakers can be used instead of headphones. Headphones are just what I use, so it's the first thing I thought of. :p

I haven't heard of "devil's shoe strings" before, so I can't really recommend anything about that. I generally see tarot as harmless, as I consider it to be more of a guide for the subconscious mind. The most important thing, I think, is the intent that goes into each thing. Something used for guidance, protection, or blessing is starkly different than something used to curse.

My view on magic is that it's generally only as good or evil as we make it. There are exceptions, of course, but I'm rambling. :D

Good luck. :)
Thank you AGAIN! This is good advice. And very interesting thoughts about objects holding energies, I had not thought about it that way, even though I have heard of that and it goes hand in hand with good Feng Shui principles (which I tried to exercise today but doing a lot of cleaning and tidying up). So I definitely need to get rid of things that may be holding negative energy. I understand what you mean about the energy I would have put into it at the time and that taking on a life of it's own. Looking back I see the folly of behaving as I did, but I also have compassion for the position I was in (as I see you do, thank you). At the time even I knew what I was doing could backfire and just bring me more bad energy but I just felt so awful. I have had some good therapy since and learned better coping strategies but I just did not have them back then. FYI, I did not call on any specific entities so no need to deal with something like that, but yes I may have still attracted them or at least created an energy that is in effect still haunting me. One reason I have wanted to move is that the space I inhabit (now with my very loving, very kind and supportive partner, one with whom I have complete harmony, something I did not attain in my previous relationships) is that I had wanted a new start with my current partner away from reminders of my past. Away from those 'ghosts' if you will. I went through not one back break up/betrayal but TWO over the several years I have been living here. So it's really a lot of old physic energy that's clearly been hard to eliminate. I still think a move will do me/us a lot of good. But until we are able, I need to do something about the other energies dwelling in our home.
Oh, btw, the stuff I stashed in the closet is a different closet, one I use much more frequently. The other is more of a crawl space storage closet and hard to get in and out of. You got me to thinking about what I have in there and it's a lot of boxes of stuff from my past, not the more recent past involving these two heartbreaks, but there may be old letters or pictures from relationships from much longer ago. And at least one of those may carry some bad energy.
So I may need to go through stuff in there as well and do some real letting go rituals, cutting cords etc.
I will probably have to just throw out the stuff used in the hexing ritual as it was mainly stuff that was meant to be burned (for the spell), as in incense and herbs and candles. Burying may be another way to deal with it, but I can't really do that where I am living and I don't know, then I would know where it was and that might make it worse.
So I will figure out a good home made cleansing ritual much as you suggest and toss out what I don't need and see if that helps.
Interesting also in re. what you said about the 'Never Leave' voice. Yes, sounds like it could be something related to a relationship!
Thank you again, very much appreciated!
Was this the same closet that opens on its own? Or was the closet thing already happening before you stashed the things in there?

In my life, I've noticed that, whatever thoughts I hold at a given time, I will encounter other people with similar thoughts or in similar circumstances as me. A lot of it is mundane stuff, like what I'm wearing, the type of phone I use, or things I like, and these are complete strangers who know nothing about me. The point is that thoughts are physically real and influence both ourselves and others. Like minds attract each other.

I know how agonizing a breakup can be, so I won't waste your time being judgmental. But imagine the negative thoughts that went into such a spell, and what types of entities it's likely to attract. I don't know if you're familiar with psychometry, but there are people who claim to be able to touch an object and psychically gain information from it. I haven't experienced it myself, but if it's true, then simply having the objects around could be a lasting influence, like a magnet for negative entities.

I don't know enough about hoodoo to give specific instructions within the framework of hoodoo, but I can offer some general suggestions. Depending on the type of spell, the exact steps may be different. Did you invoke any entity by name? This seems uncommon in a revenge spell, but if you did, you'd want to dismiss their services by name. Otherwise, a simple ritual of your own making, speaking aloud your intent, and specifically expressing forgiveness of the past and releasing all negative energy, should do well. Use similar implements as in the original spell (candles, oil, etc), but choose ones with no negative connotation. After you're done, burn the original items left over from the spell, if indeed you can burn them.

The voice telling you to never leave sounds an awful lot like someone angry over a breakup. Life exists on many levels and in many forms, both complex and abstract. I don't know if you attracted a full-fledged haunting or a more abstract thought form, but it's most likely attracted to someone or something holding a similar state, even if it's just an object imbued with anger.

This is the tone generator I use:

Tone Generator Software - Sound Frequency & White Noise Generator (PC or Mac)

I didn't write the program, but I've used it a lot. There is an option on the menu to write a tone to a .WAV file (you'll have to set the tone to a specific duration first). WAV files are pretty big, so I use Audacity to convert it to MP3. Both programs are free.

Also, regular speakers can be used instead of headphones. Headphones are just what I use, so it's the first thing I thought of. :p

I haven't heard of "devil's shoe strings" before, so I can't really recommend anything about that. I generally see tarot as harmless, as I consider it to be more of a guide for the subconscious mind. The most important thing, I think, is the intent that goes into each thing. Something used for guidance, protection, or blessing is starkly different than something used to curse.

My view on magic is that it's generally only as good or evil as we make it. There are exceptions, of course, but I'm rambling. :D

Good luck. :)

I forgot to thank you for the link too, I checked it out, I assume once you buy/download it you can set the tones to whatever frequency you like, thus creating the Shaumun Resonance?

Also update on the bedroom, we have been sleeping better since I cleaned the apartment (including wet mop). But there was a new smell, this time in the bedroom that was very gas like (like the cooking gas smell) but no smell like that in the kitchen and the stove was off. It was fairly strong so we figured we'd sleep with the window open even though it was cold out in case it was coming from the neighbor's range or something. Next day the smell wasn't there but I smelled it in another part of the apartment briefly. Also I wondered if this ammonia smell could be something paranormal. In the same spot we smell the sulfur there has a been an ammonia smell. (Again since the new neighbors moved in below some months back). I had thought they just like to use a strong cleaner but I have never smelled cleaning products from previous tenants and it is so often I started to wonder if they are germ-aphobic! (who uses lysol like cleaning stuff every day??). HAve you ever heard of ammonia smells related to spirits??
I still need to do a little ritual and get rid of the other stuff I mentioned, but I honestly haven't had a chance as I wanted to do it alone and haven't been here alone while I wasn't working. Tomorrow I will be able to however. I think it's still needed, as last night, even though my sleep was better and I didn't have nightmares, there still was a dream in which the person I had done the spell work against showed up. He was just kind of sitting there and people I knew were talking about him, saying how good looking he was. I was sort of indifferent to their comments and just saw everything about him and my involvement with him as the past. He looked like a statue. It was odd.
Yeah, the program is really easy to use. There's a list of frequencies right on the main window, and you just double-click them to change it. It should be free to download, as it has been for as long as I've been aware of the software.

Sulfur or gas smells are questionable, but an ammonia smell? I've never heard of that associated with spirits, but that doesn't mean anything. The main reason I don't jump to conclusions about the smell is because you mentioned it corresponded to new neighbors moving in. Never underestimate how strongly neighbors can smell. :D If you're comfortable meeting them, friendly conversion may be able to clear things up, but not necessarily. That's entirely up to you, obviously.

I'm no dream expert, but it could just be that you've been thinking about the situation more lately. Although if you think about it, a psychic imprint in an object would be similar to the imprint made in the material to make a statue. Probably just the mind's way of interpreting it.

If there's the slightest chance of a gas leak, don't take any chances. Get it checked out if possible. I think it's always best to investigate non-paranormal possibilities first, just because they're more common.

Whether you're able to do a ritual or not, throwing the items away will put plenty of distance between them and you, and they'll eventually be destroyed at the landfill. Moving would probably do a lot of good, but I know that's not always practical. I view it as a sort of reset for the mind when we find ourselves in new surroundings. When we're in the same place as before, our mind links our present perceptions to our past memories in that place, even if only subconsciously.

The fact that things have been improving indicates that you should do just fine. I'm sure all this will fade in time. :)
