HDR For Contacting Aliens?


I have an important question that, if answered, could potentially help my future. I hear that HDRs help people who know how to astrally project, and astral projection I'm assuming can be used in help to contact ETs on a distant planet. I have heard all of this talk of astral projection with HDRs being time travel-related, but I'm not too familiar of talk of HDRs in regards to ETs.

Having said all that, I'm wondering, can HDR-enhanced astral projection be used to contact aliens?


The HDR helps you improve your astral projection and OOBE abilities. If such abilities can be used to contact aliens, then yes, the HDR can possibly help you become able to get in contact with aliens.

You see, if there is a link between the HDR and aliens, it is through astral travel and OOBE. That's the way I see it. I'm curious to know what others think.


Thanks, Num. And for those of you that are not aware of the acronym, OOBE stands for out-of-body experience. At least, I think that's what it stands for.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
If indeed you can communicate with ET's via astral travel/telepathy, and the HDR helps you to astral travel, why not? :) Seems to make sense... But like every way of contact: you should be careful... You never know what/who you'll encounter when traveling... I think any way of communication, whether it be the Ouija Board, spirit box, astral travel, HDR or whatever, you're basically inviting entities to communicate, leaving you susceptible...


Interesting point, PoisonApple! That opens up two other questions related to this. If there's no limits to where you can astrally travel or use telepathy to, and an HDR does help, it should work fine, I agree. However, considering there has been UFO technology done on Earth in secret, do you think I'm better off going into outer space via a man-made flying saucer? And if the astral travel alternative is a better idea, where should I aim my focus? You may not know the answers, but I'd love to hear some good advice.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Interesting point, PoisonApple! That opens up two other questions related to this. If there's no limits to where you can astrally travel or use telepathy to, and an HDR does help, it should work fine, I agree. However, considering there has been UFO technology done on Earth in secret, do you think I'm better off going into outer space via a man-made flying saucer? And if the astral travel alternative is a better idea, where should I aim my focus? You may not know the answers, but I'd love to hear some good advice.
I think it'd be much safer to astral travel/ communicate telepathically than to venture out in man-made flying saucer.... As to where you should focus your aim? That's a tricky question... :confused: Maybe ask an HDR user, if you're planning to use an HDR to help... :)


Interesting point, PoisonApple! That opens up two other questions related to this. If there's no limits to where you can astrally travel or use telepathy to, and an HDR does help, it should work fine, I agree. However, considering there has been UFO technology done on Earth in secret, do you think I'm better off going into outer space via a man-made flying saucer? And if the astral travel alternative is a better idea, where should I aim my focus? You may not know the answers, but I'd love to hear some good advice.
I think it'd be much safer to astral travel/ communicate telepathically than to venture out in man-made flying saucer.... As to where you should focus your aim? That's a tricky question... :confused: Maybe ask an HDR user, if you're planning to use an HDR to help... :)
Yeah, I was thinking of asking if there were people here who were skilled at using an HDR. Do you know if Professor Opmmur knows how to use one? If not, do you know of any thread that asks for people who know how? Could I post a new thread here? I hope I'm not asking too much.


Anyone out there?
I think Opmmur used the HDR before. If you want to be sure, send him a private conversation. I'm sure he's going to be happy to answer your question.

We have several threads about the HDR, and asking questions to different users, but I don't seem to be able to find a recent one asking for advice and how to use it. Feel free to start one.
