HDR Where?

Re: HDR Where?

wow where did you get your fact from, i use the hdr so many time i must glow in the dark from all the radiation , woouh!
damn the hdr is like totally harmless , i sold so many of them no one ever gave me bad review
if you want to learn more about the hdr go to this website i have a youtube page that show how to use an hdr
i build them custom and sell them for cheap soif you need one rely on my i can build them easely

I don't know if I would go so far as to say the hdr is totally harmless. It's kind of like saying cigarettes are totally harmless. Smoking one cigarette will most likely not not give you cancer or heart disease, but smoking a pack a day for 30 years is a different story.

I'm with Darkbreed, though. I firmly believe astral projection, if it is possible, is safest without any machines and the HDR isn't necessary for successful astral projection.

I don't care if you guys use it, but it probably isn't the best idea to go around saying it's totally harmless when you don't know for sure if it is or not. God forbid you wind up with a brain tumor the size of a golfball in 30 years from using this thing on a daily basis. And then to think back for the last 30 years you've been telling people it's totally harmless. Maybe it is or it isn't, but you shouldn't be giving medical advice on something you can't be sure of either way.
