

New Member

I am a big Robert Heinlein fan. He has a large collection of works dealing with TT.

1) For Us, The Living (unintentional, probably only for hard core RAH fans)

2) Door Into Summer (multiple TT methods, intentional)

3) Have Space Suit, Will Travel (juvenile, TT is incidental only)

4) Time Enough for Love (intentional TT, main subject of last 1/3 of book)

5) To Sail Beyond the Sunset (intentional TT throughout)

6) Number of the Beast (intentional TT)

7) The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (intentional TT)

8) Glory Road (incidental, intentional TT)

Any other RAH fans here?


Stranger in a strange land: Brilliant

Friday: Truly stupendous, Heinlein's best work

Revolt in 2100: Awesome story

Go, buy 'em... NOW!


Have 'em all. Everything I can get my hands on, I have. I am now starting to collect them in audio (mp3) format. It's addictive!

The ones you've mentioned are great, no doubt about it. No TT in these stories though. If we are going to broaden this to everything he's done, I would also throw in Job.

SIASL has to be my all time favorite though. That book impacted a lot of lives.
