Hell, Tartarus, Hades... Let's think about this.

Wow, lots of posts. First off.. Let me just say that I didn't start this to debate religions. I think I've stated several times that I'm something like an atheist. I just was hoping someone could answer these headache questions that have been racking my mind for a while now without everyone getting into a big battle of.. "your religion are belong to us" ... And thanks for everyone being adults about this.

Ok.. KC, you left me with more questions.. Why was Satan left alive? Why didn't God just blink and make him not exist anymore?

And Sam, thanks. Your version is a bit different than versions I was always taught when I was a Xian, but yours actually makes sense. I was always taught that Satan was amassing an army and there would be this giant battle of the end of the world as we know it. So your answers make logical sense to me. But you also left me with more questions.

-So in your version Sam, everyone goes to Hell and then Jesus just comes down and takes who he wants? Am I understanding that right?
-Also, when Satan is trapped for the 1,000 years, does that mean nobody goes to hell or rather we go to Hell but it's not such a bad place to be anymore?
-And then when Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, who is the one torturing him? (and jokingly, how does one sign up for that job? lol)
I think the lake of fire is the torture, alone and burning for a thousand years. Basic psychology tells me that banishing Satan to hell for eternal punishment only creates a more ruthless and jaded monster. God should have showered Satan with love and bliss in order to rehabilitate...
-So in your version Sam, everyone goes to Hell and then Jesus just comes down and takes who he wants? Am I understanding that right?
-Also, when Satan is trapped for the 1,000 years, does that mean nobody goes to hell or rather we go to Hell but it's not such a bad place to be anymore?
-And then when Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, who is the one torturing him? (and jokingly, how does one sign up for that job? lol)

1) -So in your version Sam, everyone goes to Hell and then Jesus just comes down and takes who he wants? Am I understanding that right?

No, that's not how it goes. Before Jesus was born, until the time He was crucified and died, all souls went to Hell. When Jesus died, He descended into Hell and took all of the believers to Heaven. Three days after Jesus died and descended to Hell, He arose again and his earthly body became alive and immortal. From that time, all of His believers go to Heaven, not Hell. So once you are Saved through Jesus Christ, when you die the earthly death, you go straight to Heaven. Other souls go to Hell, but there is also said to be an inbetween place called Purgatory. I won't go into that subject here, but it can be discussed at another time.

Someday when all Bible Prophecy is fullfilled, there will also be a Final Judgement day in Heaven. On that day, all souls will stand before Lord Jesus and everyone will be judged. Believers of Christ will be sinless through the blood of Jesus. All others will go to Hell with Satan. It is written.

2) -Also, when Satan is trapped for the 1,000 years, does that mean nobody goes to hell or rather we go to Hell but it's not such a bad place to be anymore?

I think the same things will apply during the 1,000 years as has been happening since Jesus rose from the dead, as I wrote about in answer #1. But during the 1,000 years, Scripture says that no one on earth will be tempted by Satan, because he will be locked up in the bottomless pit. There will be peace on earth during that time. Then at the end of the 1,000 years, Satan will be loosed again one final time to tempt the inhabitants of earth, 'for a season'. After that, he will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever and ever.

3) -And then when Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, who is the one torturing him?

The Lake of Fire is just that...a lake of burning fire. It will be horrible pain and torture for eternity for Satan and all lost souls who go there. It is very sad to think of.

Glad to answer your questions. :)
Maybe this whole conundrum is why I was always told to stop asking so many questions when my parents forced me to go to church. The whole concept of a hell is meant to be so difficult to fathom that people just have a hard time explaining it.
Okay.. got it so far.. But I guess what I was really asking Sam.. is let's say I'm a big sinner, I go to hell.. Now theoretically.. If Jesus wanted to come down.. he could just walk in to hell at any given time and take me.. Or was that only during the time when he went there and took people.

And why did he take them? Meaning, did he just go down there walk through the fire and ask who believes in him and then opened the gates and people left? I mean.. logically speaking that should mean that Hell was emptied at that point. Cause if I'm down there being tortured and some dude comes walking along unscathed and asks if I want to believe in him and he'll take me away from all that.. well even if it was a trick, a different kind of torture would be better than nothing, so you'd think that everyone would want to go along.
Maybe this whole conundrum is why I was always told to stop asking so many questions when my parents forced me to go to church. The whole concept of a hell is meant to be so difficult to fathom that people just have a hard time explaining it.

I was raised Catholic and taught by the church in Catechism, but I didn't really understand what they were teaching. When I was 15, a Christian Hippie explained to me who Jesus was and what He did for us. I accepted Jesus as my Savior that day, and started reading the Bible. I have studied the Scriptures and Apocryphas ever since. That's where I learned what I know...from reading the Scriptures.

Once you accept Jesus as your Saviour, the Holy Spirit comes upon you and gives you understanding when you read the Scriptures. It is true.
Okay.. got it so far.. But I guess what I was really asking Sam.. is let's say I'm a big sinner, I go to hell.. Now theoretically.. If Jesus wanted to come down.. he could just walk in to hell at any given time and take me.. Or was that only during the time when he went there and took people.

And why did he take them? Meaning, did he just go down there walk through the fire and ask who believes in him and then opened the gates and people left? I mean.. logically speaking that should mean that Hell was emptied at that point. Cause if I'm down there being tortured and some dude comes walking along unscathed and asks if I want to believe in him and he'll take me away from all that.. well even if it was a trick, a different kind of torture would be better than nothing, so you'd think that everyone would want to go along.

We can only go by what the Scriptures and Apocryphas say...but also with new life-saving technology, we have testimonies of Near Death Experiences. I have studied NDEs for over 20 years. I have heard accounts where people have gone to Hell (terrifying accounts) and once in awhile I hear about someone who went to Hell and after a long time of suffering there (it is timeless), they finally remembered about Jesus and called His name. In those cases, Jesus actually came and rescued them.

In another NDE account, a young man died and went to Hell...but then he was lifted up by Jesus and taken out of Hell while his grandmother was praying for him. He came to life again and shared his story with the living.

I have posted a thread under the Religion section of the Forum with some videos from Youtube of NDE accounts of these things happening. NDEs are very informative, as well as the Bible Scriptures.

If you want to know what happened when Jesus first descended into Hell, I posted the link for Gospel of NICODEMUS in a previous comment. Click on that and in the Apocrypha it gives the account from two brothers who were in Hell when Jesus came and took out the believers. I'm not God, so I cannot say who was taken and who was left...but according to Scripture, the descendants of Abraham are God's chosen people (Jews), and also Gentiles (non-Jews) who believe in Jesus Christ.

God also says in the Scriptures that anyone who is full of love in their heart (paraphrasing) is God's chosen. I could talk alot about this, but won't right now. I will say that there is only one way to get into Heaven, and that is through Jesus. The Scriptures say that as well. So if a person doesn't know Jesus, but their heart is full of love for God and mankind, perhaps Jesus meets them at the Pearly Gates when they pass on.

Only God knows for sure...but what I do know: God and Jesus know the hearts of all mankind. They are pure Love. They are always Fair. No one goes to Hell without deserving it, and God doesn't want anyone to go there...that's why He sent His only Son to suffer and die for us, so we could be Saved.
See... you're information seems to be coming alot from the Apocrypha books. These are fairly new to my reading lists. And I'm never looking for trying to really find any type of faith. I just like to read religious books. They really are good stories. There are really no other books in the world that can combine the elements of war, sex, faith, and that tad bit of supernatural all into one cover.
See... you're information seems to be coming alot from the Apocrypha books. These are fairly new to my reading lists. And I'm never looking for trying to really find any type of faith. I just like to read religious books. They really are good stories. There are really no other books in the world that can combine the elements of war, sex, faith, and that tad bit of supernatural all into one cover.

Most of my information comes from Bible Scriptures, not the Apocryphas. But for some subjects, such as when Jesus descended into Hell, there are details in the Apocryphas.

The Bible is the most popular Best-Selling book in the world. The stories are very exciting...and it is the Word of God. I highly recommend it. :)
