🚨 Confirmed Hoax Hello! I'm a Time Traveler

Well, yes the average Joe can... as long as he can get through about 500 guards that guard each time machine with 24 hour surveillance cameras in an isolated room with one entranced guarded by two guards with guns, and cameras watching every little thing in the room, not even a spider can survive without getting blasted by guns.
I wish I could blast spiders with guns, but it's hard to aim that well, and the neighbors would complain about the noise. :D

I have a variety of BB guns, some with laser sights that might fit your noise requirement. Have you considered this option? My place is spider free.
Lol :D I could use something like that for the monsters that occasionally make their way into here.
Is the Internet still around in 2037?

Have you visit our forum while in other time periods?
Yes, the internet is still around but not used in the ways you'd think it was.
Yes, i did visit this forum once before in 2006, but only as a guest. I just wanted to see if it fit before I went on it.
It starts when Isis attacks America and Obama decides not to do anything. Then Russia and France get mad at America, form an alliance and send a nuke on Isis. Isis takes it as a war on Muslim culture so they eventually successfully build a nuke and nuke Russia. Now the new American president sees this and then attacks Isis. It's now a 3 on 2, with Iraq and Syria vs. Russia, France, and America, but once this happens, most of Africa that is Islamic declares war on the United States, then Russia and France declare war on then, WWIII just started.
