Here it is


New Member
I was brought up on a farm in Scotland!
The Farm was located about one and a half miles from a small village, I remember like yesterday the day that I experienced time travel!
I was 15 and my older brother was 17 we had arranged to meet up with some friends at the village, Across the road from our farm was a lane that was a short cut to the village so me and my brother set of up the lane! At the top of the lane there is a cross roads to the right is a few cottages and straight across led up to an old statley home,
Just as we reached the cross roads it started to rain really heavy so we took cover under an old bridge. we where under the bridge for about 15 minutes before we heard the rain stop! That's when we came out and started to walk towards the village as we started walking we seen a woman coming towards us, she was dressed really old fashioned, I stopped her to ask why she was dressed old fashioned when she'd said! Begging your pardon sir but I think you will find it's yourself and companion that's dressed peculiar!!! My brother Duncan at that point said look at our dad's field! There was a horse that was towing a plow! We looked at it until it went over the hill and we both thought it was someone that our dad gave permission to!
We set of again for the village and that's when we realised that something was seriously wrong!!! Everything had changed! the road was just dirt and people all wearing old fashioned clothes,
We walking about half ways up the street when I said to my brother we need to go back home right now!
We both panicked and basically ran all the way back to our farm, but it wasn't our home our it was the same house but it had a sign on it saying old inn!! We then ran back up the lane and it started to rain so heavy and thunder and lighting!
Under the same bridge we went and we where both crying and seriously panicking!! It seemed like hours we where under the bridge both too scared to dare come out ! But we did come out and it was dark and foggy! We walked down the lane and felt like the longest walk of my life! When we got to our house our father was there! We both told him what happened and he just smiled and said so it happened again!
There hasn't been a day since that I haven't thought about it and I never went back to the bridge and i never went up the lane again


Active Member
I'll add that it's unclear if it is location specific, person specific, or both. Your brother being with you could be important. Your father also having a slip could be similarly important. Do you remember if the weather forcast said it was supposed to rain that day?

From other stories, it seems all the slips written about go to the past. It also seems most people snap back to the "present" after several minutes to an hour so they can write their story. The ones who never write about it, well... umm...

If you (or anyone else reading) ever experiences a time slip, try burying something that will last a long time in a location that is easy to find. Usually something metal like a coin is a good choice as it will corrode with age. When you get back, dig it up and see what happened to it. In the age of modern camera phones, try to keep it with you anytime you go out. That could be a real trip to see video footage of the distant past... and then find the decendents of those people and show them the videos.


Active Member
I'll add that it's unclear if it is location specific, person specific, or both. Your brother being with you could be important. Your father also having a slip could be similarly important. Do you remember if the weather forcast said it was supposed to rain that day?

From other stories, it seems all the slips written about go to the past. It also seems most people snap back to the "present" after several minutes to an hour so they can write their story. The ones who never write about it, well... umm...

If you (or anyone else reading) ever experiences a time slip, try burying something that will last a long time in a location that is easy to find. Usually something metal like a coin is a good choice as it will corrode with age. When you get back, dig it up and see what happened to it. In the age of modern camera phones, try to keep it with you anytime you go out. That could be a real trip to see video footage of the distant past... and then find the decendents of those people and show them the videos.
Know what they that went to the past should know if it was green mist or fog it maybe a time travel portal who knows?
