

I happened to be glancing in my spam folder when I came across the email from here. (Yeah I actually check my spam if I'm bored enough cause sometimes things get in there that aren't supposed to)
It's so great to see a few people that I still remember. TTF and all it's members were a big big help to me during a rough time in my life. I was going through a divorce and my curiosity in time travel occured at that time.
Thankfully I've been rid of the excess baggage and I'm better for it.
I wouldn't say I'm as deep into TT as I was back then. Though I am deeply into the new Doctor Who and wouldn't mind debating with a few Alexander's again.
Anyways It's nice to see this place still up and running and I hope to be a frequent visitor.
Re: Hey

Welcome back, Jovi!

This place is just coming out of a couple year rough patch... But the fact that so many old faces are visiting is a good sign.

And god, we haven't had a time traveler in ages. The site as a whole has kinda expanded to encompass everything 'weird', but we'll always be the TTF :P

It's good to see you!

Re: Hey

It's good to see the site alive once more, with more than 1 or 2 users at the time. For the last few years we were still around, but the discussion was so slower than in the old days, it didn't feel the same. We're just getting back to normal.

It looks like sometimes, things come back.

