Hi, from Kissimmee Florida


New Member
Hi, .
So,,,,, so far enjoyed that there is an arcade section :) w. Asteroids game and after 4 plays I happen to have first place high score HaHa :),
Mostly am searching for someone that I ran across through myspace long time ago (ISP using only dial-up 56K internet back then) and hope to recognize if they maybe a member here. ...... They would have to have the most interesting profile you will ever see in your life I believe, claimed they were not of this planet in their profile Bio.
It has been long time I used Myspace and have deleted my-MS account, and no longer have interest to go there for any reason..


Senior Member
Welcome to Paranormalis...hope you find what you are looking for.


Welcome to the forum! We have discussions and member profiles that range from 2004 to 2015.

Let us know if we can help you find who you're looking for.

Have fun!


New Member
Thank you for the Welcomes.....
Well I hope so too I can find who I'm looking for, would just like to hear that fabulous music I heard when I ran across them on Myspace wasn't really looking to make friends, was into music then and still and that was possibly prior to 2004 when I checked out the profile I'm talking about.
I see the name I am looking for. The profile does seem alike.They would not even have a clue that I knew them from Myspace I never introduce myself since their page was so iffy loaded with code it would make my PC lock up and I would reboot every time I went to their page. Then they just vanished off myspace and other profiles started using the exact name with slight diff. spellings. Here^ is the closest I have come to what maybe them, haven't really tried looking for them till yesterday I don't know why but I typed in google search alien then the name so Thanks to them is how I found here..
I am sure this website is going to keep me busy just reading posts and maybe some Arcade Asteroids competition.


Senior Member
I kind of think the Asteroids game is mean. You see, asteroids are like pet rocks to Martians, so destroying them is almost like cruelty to almost-animals. :D

Welcome to the forum! :)


New Member
I kind of think the Asteroids game is mean. You see, asteroids are like pet rocks to Martians, so destroying them is almost like cruelty to almost-animals. :D

Welcome to the forum! :)

Thank you for the welcome Martian...
Well It is going to be hard for me to play anymore then,
Asteroids was a big favorite for me and a friend <<I hope this doesn't offend you) when it came out way back, I learned a trick to beat the game system and we both were able to turn over the points and starts back to zero points when it reaches 999,999. One day the friend and I went to the fun machine arcade store to compete who could make biggest score that day and we went when it opened, on 1 quarter he played till the place closed with a score over 1,million so he did win competition - he was playing that day like their was no tomorrow he had to stop playing and had lots of lifes to spare the game gives you a life every 10,thousand points and he had a whole row and a half of the ion pulse generator ship>>clueless>>triangle thing that shoots the almost pets:) so he was the champ..
now a days they Atari reprogrammed the game and is unbeatable using the old trick I do have better score using old trick than try anything else, the Asteroids game here is with the newer unbeatable code, just like space invaders had a trick too, if you shoot 15 missiles then wait for the target that fly across top and drops bombs at you ,,you shoot it with first shot after the fifteen it gives you biggest 1500 points then you shoot only ten missiles and wait for next one we would do that one too, then their was Donkey Kong, I know of small trick or glitch actually in that one too. Original game Burger Time that one is reprogged online play..
Asteroids was invented by Atari and later was reprogrammed to make it unbeatable in the arcade stores, and goes to follow as the version posted here, playing the other games in an arcade place should yield true version play >online I am yet to see online versions as played in an arcade,
I was involved playing a game called HEAT online before that was called PowerTorque a race car sim but no longer around then went into wargaming . net with WoT but they have updated it and my PC no longer meets the graphic card requirement mine is an in-bedded chip anyway and waiting to someday afford the card to go back to WoT,
Ok now thats out of the way how about you play me in Backgammon since your a martian you must be good at that game?? If you never played it is OK you can try it??. There is a place that has Backgammon that you play on a server without DL if your not into DL.. but I would have to look for it. I forgot what site is called
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Professor Opmmur
