Higgs field connection to time travel


Senior Member
Is the Higgs field and a possible asymmetry in it's field the result of time dilation?

Since we know the HIggs boson is real, and it's an external field that gives matter mass, then can we safely assume it's responsible for momentum, gravity and it's resulting spacetime curvature?

Sure would seem so. Is that what causes relativity to begin with?


Temporal Engineer
Is the Higgs boson real? I haven't verified it to be real. Have you? All this information comes from the academic community. The same community that quietly retracted their announcement of a gravity wave detection. The same community that got caught fudging the data from gravity probe B. It does appear the academic community has a zero credibility rating. Don't assume anything delivered by the academic community to be true.

The Fifth

Is the Higgs boson real? I haven't verified it to be real. Have you? All this information comes from the academic community. The same community that quietly retracted their announcement of a gravity wave detection. The same community that got caught fudging the data from gravity probe B. It does appear the academic community has a zero credibility rating. Don't assume anything delivered by the academic community to be true.
True , everything that the scientists said in the pasts , changed in the future. Every damn 30 years or so , what they say , changes. (even if they think what they say it's real)
