🛡️ Debate Honest question

With so much evidence to the contrary, and with every "deadline" for his predictions having past, what about JT continues to make him a topic worth discussing with any seriousness?
For me personally, it was the part when the public officers were knocking on my door.

Okay, I'll bite. Why would they be doing that?
Because it has become standard operating procedure for "law enforcement" to strip away the constitutional rights of citizens without due process. Guilty until proven innocent. Without our constitutional rights to protect us from fascism, freedom dissolves into fear and control.
You're using an absence of evidence as evidence. It doesn't work that way...

Every photograph he provided that was meant to back up his claims has been debunked in some form or another... The bent laser in the cigar smoke, the fact that he was using the wrong kind of geiger counter, etc.

The 2004 Olympics, which should have been the last, have been followed by the 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 Olympics. The civil war that was supposed to have been on everyone's doorstep by 2008 has not happened... These are not what I would consider small events.

You could posit that we ARE getting closer to a civil confrontation, but this fact has always existed and any governed society has that. Prophecies don't mean anything when there's no real timeline being applied or you're stating the obvious.

It appears to come down to beliefs, not factual evidence or logical thinking... This saddens me. Paranormalis was supposed to be a community of thinkers and truth-seekers.

I don't reason with the unreasonable. You have a good day.
You're using an absence of evidence as evidence. It doesn't work that way...

Every photograph he provided that was meant to back up his claims has been debunked in some form or another... The bent laser in the cigar smoke, the fact that he was using the wrong kind of geiger counter, etc.

The 2004 Olympics, which should have been the last, have been followed by the 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 Olympics. The civil war that was supposed to have been on everyone's doorstep by 2008 has not happened... These are not what I would consider small events.

You could posit that we ARE getting closer to a civil confrontation, but this fact has always existed and any governed society has that. Prophecies don't mean anything when there's no real timeline being applied or you're stating the obvious.

It appears to come down to beliefs, not factual evidence or logical thinking... This saddens me. Paranormalis was supposed to be a community of thinkers and truth-seekers.

I don't reason with the unreasonable. You have a good day.

May I ask what's unreasonable about my train of thought?
For me personally, it was the part when the public officers were knocking on my door.

Okay, I'll bite. Why would they be doing that?
Because it has become standard operating procedure for "law enforcement" to strip away the constitutional rights of citizens without due process. Guilty until proven innocent. Without our constitutional rights to protect us from fascism, freedom dissolves into fear and control.

Uhuh... Sure. So why were they at your house?
Uhuh... Sure. So why were they at your house?
Oh you'll love this, less believable than time travel by far. My son was abducted by my exwife while I was on duty one night. I report a missing child after I get home. 3 days later, my licensing is revoked and sidearm is seized. Nice little violation of 2nd amendment rights. Basically treated like a felon as a response for asking for help in finding my missing child. He was 1, and I was the stay at hone parent by day. I still do not know where he was taken to or who he was left with, but he became ill. He is missing again, for the second stent, in less than a year. This form of government is broken. I will not fix it. Nor will I tolerate that treatment again. This is no longer just my problem. They should not have gotten involved, now they have no choice. There will be no backing out of this one for anyone.
Uhuh... Sure. So why were they at your house?
Oh you'll love this, less believable than time travel by far. My son was abducted by my exwife while I was on duty one night. I report a missing child after I get home. 3 days later, my licensing is revoked and sidearm is seized. Nice little violation of 2nd amendment rights. Basically treated like a felon as a response for asking for help in finding my missing child. He was 1, and I was the stay at hone parent by day. I still do not know where he was taken to or who he was left with, but he became ill. He is missing again, for the second stent, in less than a year. This form of government is broken. I will not fix it. Nor will I tolerate that treatment again. This is no longer just my problem. They should not have gotten involved, now they have no choice. There will be no backing out of this one for anyone.

That's unfortunate and I certainly feel for you; I've been in situations like that before (except I was the child). However, this doesn't really relate to the topic at hand - "why do you consider JT to be genuine with no supporting evidence?"

Issues like the one you've described are not new, they're just publicized and recorded easier than before.
Cosmo, I disagree. There is a lot of supporting evidence. Read COATT. I'm serious. The only reason why I keep mentioning the book is because TR did a very good job at analyzing the Titor story and he makes some very good points in favor of Titor. :)
Cosmo, also, I am curious to hear your point of view.

You stated "Every photograph he provided that was meant to back up his claims has been debunked in some form or another... The bent laser in the cigar smoke, the fact that he was using the wrong kind of geiger counter, etc."

Do you have this posted somewhere or could you explain to me how you feel the photos have been debunked? I will listen to all points of view. I mean the other photos, such as the time travel device itself and such.

I have a theory that our timeline is 10 years off from what Titor mentioned, but some people disagree. Just a theory.
Cosmo, also, I am curious to hear your point of view.

You stated "Every photograph he provided that was meant to back up his claims has been debunked in some form or another... The bent laser in the cigar smoke, the fact that he was using the wrong kind of geiger counter, etc."

Do you have this posted somewhere or could you explain to me how you feel the photos have been debunked? I will listen to all points of view. I mean the other photos, such as the time travel device itself and such.

I have a theory that our timeline is 10 years off from what Titor mentioned, but some people disagree. Just a theory.

Hi Jedi,

I'm still working through my own personal collection of all available information, so I can't give you every example off the top of my head. One that comes to mind is the one showing his instructor bending a laser beam with the machine's gravity-well.

"This is a picture taken in the fall of 2035 during my training. It shows my instructor beaming a handheld laser outside the vehicle during operation. The beam is being bent by the gravitational field produced outside the vehicle by the distortion unit. The beam is visible through smoke that is coming from his cigar."

He posts this as evidence of the gravitational field around the device. If this was the case, ALL the light passing near the device would be bent. This would give a gravitational lensing effect that would be noticeable in the image. Gravitational fields do not specifically target one beam of light and bend that alone. We know this from observing (and even making use of) gravity lensing in astronomy.

Now, even if we wanted to get all fancy and pretend that somehow he made a special gravitational field that ONLY affected that frequency of light, how are we seeing the beam of light in the first place? That light is reflecting off of the smoke particles from the cigar (according to his story). THAT light is the same frequency as the light from the laser and would be bent by the gravitational field. As such, the beam would still appear straight.

Quite simply, the bent beam is nonsense. We are already aware of the light-bending properties of gravity and that's why Titor used this as an example of his device.

On another note, it's 2036 when this photo gets taken... Why does it look like it was taken with a potato?


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