How did you find Paranormalis ?

I found this tapatalk .. Is a application for smartphone . With many different blogs. To be honest I Take the app to read a blog about a earthquake what happen October 4 in Romania but I found paranormal and I was more then happy :)
Hi, I am new here. I found paranormalis on the app tapatalk. This is new and the only forum I've ever been on. It seems I've found the right place for my curiosity. I've read a lot here. Although i'm not sure if I fit in here, would you be willing to send me something similar to this forum?
Many members will agree, there are no other places like Paranormalis. We aim at providing you with the best community experience possible. That's what made me join so many years ago. :)

I will suggest a few forums I visit now and then.

Time Travel Institute. An interesting forum not that active compared to what it used to be. An interesting alternative.
Time Travel Institute

Time chatter. It's pretty much dead now, but it was a cool place to discuss time travel devices with interested members. Very similar to Paranormalis in tone and content, a few years ago.
Time Chatter - Time Travel Chat

Paranormalis Quebec. If you speak french, you're welcome!
Paranormalis Québec - Forum

Above Top Secret. A reference in the field. Active but too big to be as personal as Paranormalis in your interactions with other members.

Hope this helps.
Found this site a while back looking into Titor (as I'm guessing a lot of users did lol) Been lurking for a while, enjoyed reading all the posts and topics. Seems like a good friendly place to continue so decided to join. Seems a lot more open to ideas and theories to be explored than TTI is/was (as I have been lurking there too!).
Welcome to both of you. A long time ago, I was a lurker here too. Reading discussions about Titor, the HDR and the Bajak Flux Cap. After a while I decided to join.

We aim at delivering the best community experience possible. You'll find a lot of friendly people open to new ideas and weird theories. :)
