How Time Travel Paradoxes Work


Senior Member
Here is a summary of what can be found on the HowStuffWorks website about time travel.

Inconsistent Causal Loop
John Titor can't kill his grandfather because then he wouldn't be born and go back in time to kill his grandfather.

Consistent Causal Loop
John Titor could go into the future and get a time machine and bring it back to the past where he would use the same time machine to go into the future to get a time machine for the first time.

Sanders' Post-Selected Model
When John Titor tries to kill his grandfather, a distorted probability force steps in and makes John Titor miss the shot. Grandfather is death-proof when it comes to John's attempts and any attempts before John is born.

Parallel Universe Model
John Titor can go back and shoot his grandfather because it is an alternate time-line. John Titor's grandfather on his own time-line is safe so that John can be born on his original time-line.

Here are some of my notes.

Predestination -- That is the belief that the universe or God or whatever knows what you are going to do before you do it.

Determinism -- That is the belief that the universe has no sentient idea what you are going to do before you do it. Each choice is a surprise. Sure you act based on your behaviors you were born with and the environment you learned from. But you can ultimately decide to act differently based on no factor at all other than random human behavior.

Some psychics seem to know exactly what is going to happen before it does in great detail with names, dates and exact events. I know this from personal experience, I don't expect you to also believe it. It seems to suggest predestination. And if predestination is a reality, then.. predestination makes my actions and behaviors inevitable. I have no choice. I must act according to my genes and environment. Hrrmmmm. Makes you think...

Here is my Back to the Future Model.
John Titor goes back in time and shoots his grandfather. His grandfather dies and John disappears.
