How to create an artificial grid point and build a time portal


King Ivan
Introduction :

There are many ways to construct a time portal. These portals can vary in height, width, or by the materials in which they are constructed with. They can be made into an Orgone Accumulator, or into a large electromagnet which is built from a Mobius Coil. Whatever way you decide to do it, it will depend largely on how much time, effort and money you are willing to spend to make your dream a reality.

How to create an artificial grid point :

To do this, all that is necessary is to overlap 2 pieces of copper tubing in an X type fashion underneath the time portal. This is done in such a way, so that each piece of copper tubing is pointing towards the north and south, and east and west. When positioning the copper tubes underneath the time portal, they should be buried at least 7 to 12 inches underneath the ground. The reason for this lie's in the fact, that the earth itself contains a tremendous amount of electricity. And when the copper tubes have been buried underneath the ground, the copper itself conducts this electricity which sets up an electromagnetic mobius coil. In other words, the copper tubes create the 1st and 2nd field, the time portal produces the 3rd field, and the 4th field is set into motion when the portal is facing east and west. Another thing you can do, which can amplify the 4-dimensional energies, is to insert a copper end cap over each end of the copper tubes. Each of these tubes will then form an air capacitor which will act as an orgone accumulator. Not only that, but the pressure which builds up inside of each tube, will amplify the gravitational fields which surrounds the portal.

How to build a time portal :

We will find that the cross-piece is approximately 216 cm in length. Also the up-rights are 349.488 cm high. If we know take the number 349.488, and divide it by the harmonic value of 216, we will obtain the PHI value which is 1.618. It is this value and the 216 harmonic, which gives the portal super dynamic capabilities. Another way to construct a time portal is to use PVC pipes instead of using wooden posts. It also has coils of wire which is wrapped around each pole in the form of a mobius coil. Not only that, but each row of coils are grounded to the earth. Now one of the reasons why these coils are grounded, lie's in the fact, that when this is done, an AC and DC field is created around the portal. This AC and DC field pulses at precisely 7.853975 Hz. c.p.s. It is this frequency which enables the individual to travel through time when he steps through the portal. Another thing, once the portal becomes fully operational, who ever is in close range of the portal, that person's brain waves will also vibrate at the rate of 7.853975 Hz. c.p.s. When this happens, no matter what the person is thing of, he will still be able to see images within the portal. This is because his mind is now adjusted to the time travel frequency. Therefore, it should become possible for the individual to control the time frame of the place he wishes to travel to.

How to construct a Hyper-Dimensional Grid Point :

This device is intended for scientists who wish to obtain maximum results when constructing an artificial grid point. All that is necessary in order to construct this device, is to connect 2 Hyper-Dimensional resonators to 2 electromagnets which are positioned at right angles to that of the first. When constructing these electromagnets it should be pointed out, that the wire used may be wrapped in the form of a mobius coil. If you decide to build this artificial grid point, be very careful you don't create an entrance leading into hell. The best way to prevent this from happening, is to program the Hyper-Dimensional resonators while stroking the rubbing plates. In other words, while stroking them, concentrate on the following suggestion : ( Do not create entrances leading into hell ). You should also program the units each time before you activate the artificial grid point.
(To be continued...)

Please explain what grounding is exactly? Also if you have the plans why not share them; it would save you lot of time when explaining?
Grounding means that the wires connected to the portal should be mabye buried 15 inches into the earth. But I'm not sure how exactly the portal should be because I haven't built one yet to test it. So until I do (if I do) I don't think I'll be able to answer any questions about it.


It might be helpful to provide a list of materials for the artificial grid point and time portal. Also ,when you mean X type fashion why would it not be a + type fashion?


New Member
Don't just walk through the door, thinking your inner power will guide you!

You need to attach a radionics machine to it, and not a crap one either. That bitch better have 6 dials MINIMAL! Upon doing this, you can see where you are going......before you commit suicide and walk through the door.

Its like a disc, slowly revolving as the universe revolves. It literally changes as it turns.

DO NOT walk through the door!

Natural grid points revolve in 80 year cycles. this is why there have been issues on-and-off with disappearances. Artificial grid points are the way to go, but please respect this science.


New Member
Radionic machine don't work that good all it does it give energy have u try to do Astral Projection with it..write back.
I can't use a radionics machine to save my life because I can't use a touchpad and I second guess myself too much with the pendulum. Unfortunately for me, I don't think I'm allowed to astral travel in this lifetime because the last time I tried, something yanked me right back into my body with the sound of an explosion and one of my pictures, by my bed, was crooked with a crack in the middle of it.


Senior Member
I can't use a radionics machine to save my life because I can't use a touchpad and I second guess myself too much with the pendulum. Unfortunately for me, I don't think I'm allowed to astral travel in this lifetime because the last time I tried, something yanked me right back into my body with the sound of an explosion and one of my pictures, by my bed, was crooked with a crack in the middle of it.
From what you red up on regarding Radionic machines, in your opinion which model would be the best if the cost of it didnt matter?


Active Member
I can't use a radionics machine to save my life because I can't use a touchpad and I second guess myself too much with the pendulum. Unfortunately for me, I don't think I'm allowed to astral travel in this lifetime because the last time I tried, something yanked me right back into my body with the sound of an explosion and one of my pictures, by my bed, was crooked with a crack in the middle of it.

i too been trying to do Astral Projection but no luck maybe it have to do what time do get up in the midnight or afternoon time or what...but maybe it just that we all need train for astral projection. but what is the best time to do this astral Projection..sorry for my english but anyway :fp:
