Huge Sphere in the Sun's Corona


I'm just done watching this video on Youtube about a massive black/dark sphere hanging over the sun's surface. It's not clear what kind of thing this sphere is. It is a spacecraft absorbing the sun's energy?

Is it the sun giving birth to a planet? I didn't know planets were created that way, but I've read there are some theories about it though. There are many videos of alien spacecrafts that apparently spend time around the sun, protecting us from solar flares? That's one of the theories, but there seems to be many of them out there.

What bugs me the most in all of this, is the connection between the sun and the said object. What is that thing and what is going on?

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Interesting. Top comment states:

The sphere is called a coronal cavity and the long dark line is a filament of cooler plasma gas...They appear all the time on the stellar surface...but a very nice one here...and the angle is perfect...There you have it...Peace!

I don't know enough about it so not sure what to make of the above observation. I doubt it's a planet though. Could be anything. How much do we know of Earth, much less the SUN :eek:
