Hurricane Ike uncovers civil war ship

Re: Ike Uncovers Civil War Ship


No real story accompanying the pics.

Clicking on the provided links, it appears that the ship in question was uncovered by some other hurricane last October - 2007?


Re: Ike Uncovers Civil War Ship

It's said in different articles that the ship was partially uncovered during several years like they show in the video posted with the comments of the pics. Looks like Ike finished the job by almost completely uncovering the ship. This was caused by longshore drifts, where "sand and sediments move along a beach shore".

Some say the ship was known before 2007.

It seems this may be the same ship exposed briefly in late 2006. It was seen, reported (here) then sand covered it up again. A video of that ship was made on Halloween, 2006, and can be seen at the Alabama Gulf Coast Video site. Sure looks like Vickie Boozer's picture, but I'm not too discriminating.

Hurricane Camille uncovered a ship at the same rough location in 1969, and it's been seen off and on since. Orange Beach Website has the best pictures (I borrow one here, but they have over a dozen closeups) and says the ship was revealed by Ivan in 2004.

Speculation in 2006 suggested that the ship was the Monticello, a two-masted schooner en route from Cuba in 1862. The Union Navy was blockading the port of Mobile and its gunship Kanewha reported pursuing and burning the Monticello at this location.
AlotofGaul: Hurricane Ike Uncovers Civil War Ship
