🚨 Confirmed Hoax I Am Immortal

StarLord has a point. Wouldn't the constant loss of your friends and loved ones through more than 2,000 years negatively affect you? Mortality is a good part of what gives life and relationships meaning.
your gunnu make him kill himself...somehow
Well, that's true, all of us have the ability to find what has been referred to as the "christ consciousness".

But, back to the issue at hand. Without the other half of Life, which is what's called "Death", where's the time for deciding what you had accomplished and what to experience in the next incarnation?

Speaking of that, what happened to Free Will? This isn't something that Spirit would saddle some poor Soul with, as it almost amounts to something along punishment because of it's effects on the psyche.
Physical immortality is an interesting concept. However, I would consider it more of a Hell, than a blessing. You would never be able to retire and live off your pension.

The human body is completely replaced by new cells and molecules every seven years. Immortality would require perfect cell reproduction, with no errors caused by stellar radiation or other environmental factors.

I do have some questions.
Do you get a discount on your life insurance? How much is your savings account worth now? What do you do for a living? Do you have any goals you want to accomplish? Have you ever contemplated suicide? Do you see an end to this curse? How many languages do you speak? How is your resistance to disease? What happens when you break a bone or get injured? Do you have any scars? How many children do you have? Do you have any favorite memories? I could go on, but these are enough.

Personally, I am looking forward to my death, whenever that occurs. I would much rather move on, than be stuck here on Earth. Best of luck with your journey.
wow thanks for posting on this site we will be most interested in hearing your story and hopefully learning from your wisdom.
1. being a young person at the time were you awear of the life of CHRIST ????
2. being born in Germany were you still there when King Arthur was said to have been in power???
3. how did you come to choose this site for your experiment ??

You are most welcome, I look forward to sharing my experiences with you.

1. I was not aware of Christ or Christianity in general until around 250 AD; I vaguely recall first being told the story of the crucifixion by an animated young Roman over drinks though. I have never had much interest in religion -- I consider superstition and the dependence on faith in "higher beings" infantile and a waste of one's time. True salvation and peace comes from within, not a man watching from the clouds.

2. By all accounts, I would have been 500 or 600 years old at the time Arthur supposedly ruled Britain. I never met the figure, but I was closely acquainted with the hermit the legendary Merlin is partly based on. He was neither a wizard nor part of the Sword in the Stone stories society has conjured up.

3. My situation has led me in to an interest of all things paranormal and out of the ordinary. This site is one of several I frequent, though my reason for choosing this one to interact on is largely based on the amount of activity. It would not be practical to have this discussion on larger or wildly active communities.
While I accept that we as Soul are Immortal, experiencing the necessary lessons via reincarnation which makes us basically millions of years old, what would be the sense in one single turn having to deal with the passing of ones loved ones as their bodies
fail time after time.

If it was me, I would have invested in corn futures a long time ago...

Your story is very close to the movie about a College professor moving and his fellow professors visit him for a farewell party and during that party he reveals that part of his never ending journey like yours has to do with him being Jesus. Which of course blows away a few of the party goers as it completely crushes their faith. It's bit slow but if you can stick through it, has a great ending.

I do not understand the reason I am the way I am, but I view it as a gift. I've watched civilizations flourish and wither, had a front row seat to much of human history and even been a part of it in some situations. To say that my life has no sense could be considered an insult. Life means whatever you want it to; it's not only about relationships.

The Man From Earth is a wonderful film and I'm glad to see several of you have seen it. I was a good acquaintance of Jerome Bixby and brought the idea of immortality up on more than one occasion. I believe these conversations might have been the basis for his screenplay.
StarLord has a point. Wouldn't the constant loss of your friends and loved ones through more than 2,000 years negatively affect you? Mortality is a good part of what gives life and relationships meaning.

I would have to disagree with you then. Morality and the pursuit of happiness gives my life meaning.
