I need this black orb gone...


Junior Member
Wind's questions are a good starting point.

Is anyone in your family an occultist, that you know of? Or perhaps, has anyone in your family interacted with occultists in any serious way?

The stuff with the bugs is really intriguing. Feel free to send me a PM, if you want to discuss this privately. I'm up for at least talking to you about it. If its appearing quasi-physically, that is also an interesting sign.

As for the box, I did a quick once-over of both of the pictures, "plugged in" so to speak. The box feels older, maybe 1920s? Don't know about the accuracy of that number but that's how old it felt. There was also something masculine and developed there, if you understand what I mean- reading its energy was like the first scent of the cologne of an old colonel or something. Any thoughts on that?


Very nice, ornate box...this once held something important like silverware or documents etc. And it has a unique finish.

Thankfully it isn't an actual dybbuk snare.

I would try placing clove inside and get what you need to smudge and salt your home. For now.

Black Tourmaline, i cannot recommend getting this enough.
Google this for more info.

I will be back on later after work.

Be as strong as you can.
Sleep will eventually come.

Thank you so much for your help. I definitely will. The dybbuk you we're talking about..I've heard of the dibbuk box made during the holocaust, but do they have more than one of those out there??

I should elaborate that,
what made me think of a dybbuk snare was Martian's post.

There is really nothing too elaborate about the box your father gave you however, I failed to ask if you knew where he first came across it...but I didn't 'feel' it was the cause.

It IS interesting that your husband is seeing things while at work.

Question...was he noticing anything at his place of employment before these happenings started at your home?

This could be essential.

Please send me a PM if anything more starts to materialize.

I will tell you more there.

I truly Hope you have managed to get some rest!


Junior Member
Hi there Wee - I took a look at the thread and more importantly the box. It's of course not a Dybbik box and I'm actually friends with the current owner of that box, it looks more like an exorcism box. They are usually vintage and look almost identical to the images you posted, even the clasp matches. They were handed down to priests who would practice the rite and the box would usually hold holy oil/holy water and silver plates. Last rites boxes are quite similar too though the ones I've physically handled were a lot more ornate.

After reading everything you posted I'd lean towards the box possibly having an attachment. If it was part of a priests exorcism kit then it's very possible especially if the holy objects inside aren't with it any more. It's the right size for both an exorcism kit and last rites kit and it doesn't look ornate enough to be a last rites box. When the lid is open does it look like there was ever any material attached to the wood? Usually the last rites boxes have a band of material inside the top lid so they can hold a small crucifix in place.
Other last rite kits are simply hollow wooden crucifixes that hold candles, and a small bottle of holy water. The good is vintage ones are worth a lot to the right collector, though personally I don't buy them any more because they usually have dark energy about them. The bad is they are extremely prone to spirit attachment because it can be one of the last objects a person can see and interact with before they pass.

Wind7 gave you some very good information on how to protect yourself and your space but if that box does have an attachment I'd seriously think about removing it from the house. Another option would be to go to one of your local priests and ask them what they think it might be or if they would bless it, like I said my opinion is that you might have either an exorcism box or a last rites box and using it for something trivial might provoke whatever may have formed an attachment especially if the original holy items are no longer with the box. Normally I wouldn't say bless an item but there is a strong possibility that it may have already been a holy item so a blessing could be a lot stronger than saging.


Junior Member
Hi there Wee - I took a look at the thread and more importantly the box. It's of course not a Dybbik box and I'm actually friends with the current owner of that box, it looks more like an exorcism box. They are usually vintage and look almost identical to the images you posted, even the clasp matches. They were handed down to priests who would practice the rite and the box would usually hold holy oil/holy water and silver plates. Last rites boxes are quite similar too though the ones I've physically handled were a lot more ornate.

After reading everything you posted I'd lean towards the box possibly having an attachment. If it was part of a priests exorcism kit then it's very possible especially if the holy objects inside aren't with it any more. It's the right size for both an exorcism kit and last rites kit and it doesn't look ornate enough to be a last rites box. When the lid is open does it look like there was ever any material attached to the wood? Usually the last rites boxes have a band of material inside the top lid so they can hold a small crucifix in place.
Other last rite kits are simply hollow wooden crucifixes that hold candles, and a small bottle of holy water. The good is vintage ones are worth a lot to the right collector, though personally I don't buy them any more because they usually have dark energy about them. The bad is they are extremely prone to spirit attachment because it can be one of the last objects a person can see and interact with before they pass.

Wind7 gave you some very good information on how to protect yourself and your space but if that box does have an attachment I'd seriously think about removing it from the house. Another option would be to go to one of your local priests and ask them what they think it might be or if they would bless it, like I said my opinion is that you might have either an exorcism box or a last rites box and using it for something trivial might provoke whatever may have formed an attachment especially if the original holy items are no longer with the box. Normally I wouldn't say bless an item but there is a strong possibility that it may have already been a holy item so a blessing could be a lot stronger than saging.

Your reply came at a good time. My dad said they got this box at a yard sale and had no need for it. I couldn't trace its origins. There was nothing in the box When he bought it. I took it to an antique dealer this morning and he said the same thing, it looked like the box used by Catholic priests or a holy baptism box.


Junior Member
I hope you and your family are okay.

We are all doing okay. For some reason the activity has haulted. I bought the items you had suggested, and was going to follow through when I didn't feel that fear anymore...so I waited...I haven't seen anything else, no more noises..my kids are sleeping better...I am not sure why it has suddenly stopped. I find it odd. If it starts again though I will follow through :)

Snake Plissken

I believe..
You have to just say it out loud. Ask it to go, say that it's making your family unhappy. If it's a good or just curious entity then it may just leave if it realises that it is causing you distress.

Shadows and black mass aren't necessarily a bad sign I would be more worried if I was seeing the colour Red which could suggest a darker presence.

We get orbs on our home videos all of the time, usually around the kids while they are playing. I find it comforting and hope that it is a loved one watching over my children.


Junior Member
You have to just say it out loud. Ask it to go, say that it's making your family unhappy. If it's a good or just curious entity then it may just leave if it realises that it is causing you distress.

Shadows and black mass aren't necessarily a bad sign I would be more worried if I was seeing the colour Red which could suggest a darker presence.

We get orbs on our home videos all of the time, usually around the kids while they are playing. I find it comforting and hope that it is a loved one watching over my children.

I agree. I've lived with spirits most of my life, some good, some not so good...but this one envoked fear...and I thought it was odd to be scared for what I considered no reason until I started seeing things and my kids were waking up with night terrors. I would just be overly afraid and couldn't sleep. A week ago everything just stopped... And I stopped feeling afraid.


You have to just say it out loud. Ask it to go, say that it's making your family unhappy. If it's a good or just curious entity then it may just leave if it realises that it is causing you distress.

Shadows and black mass aren't necessarily a bad sign I would be more worried if I was seeing the colour Red which could suggest a darker presence.

We get orbs on our home videos all of the time, usually around the kids while they are playing. I find it comforting and hope that it is a loved one watching over my children.

Hi SP,
I really like your posts. :)
I thought I would add my 2 cent worth.

I have spent what has been a lifetime of trying to reason out colourful orb energies, it's part of what I do to help people with extraordinary 'problems'.

To try to figure out what is going on in various places and homes.

Darker or Black is usually never good, shadowy grey and up are usually not trouble makers but sometimes are.

But now in my experience s, red especially when mixed with black or slightly up is the colour of extremes...meaning anger/hatred. These are the ones you should never address unless you are being attacked.

Orange is also anger or startlement (startled).

Yellow is fear and sometimes anguish.

Blue is use of strength like when we exert ourself.

Green is tricky and can mean many things.

It's all up to the circumstances of what is happening around you, them and so on.

It's likened to a language unto itself,
isn't it? Like auras...the colour of emotions we can exude at times.

The most beautiful imho,
are the bright sparkly white usually (at times) mixed with blue.
Almost indescribably beautiful.

These are the good and can be seen readily, especially when there has been black/ reddish around.

Having good intuition of what is around helps with this understanding of this strange, secretive language. :)

It's not always easy,
but I have learned to trust these intuitive instincts more over the years.

I hope that when I post subjects such as these, that I am helping not hindering.

Take care,


I hope you and your family are okay.

We are all doing okay. For some reason the activity has haulted. I bought the items you had suggested, and was going to follow through when I didn't feel that fear anymore...so I waited...I haven't seen anything else, no more noises..my kids are sleeping better...I am not sure why it has suddenly stopped. I find it odd. If it starts again though I will follow through :)

Excellent! :)

That is certainly positive news!!! :):)

I would go ahead with the Black Tourmaline as a follow-up.
This is a very powerful and positive stone to have around.

I'm very happy to hear things have turned out for the better.

