I saw my first UFO last night!


This was on October 4, 2013 at 9:30 PM EST.

I went outside and noticed the sky was very dark and I could see the stars, so I decided for the first time to pull out my cellphone and fool around with the Google Skymap app, trying to spot constellations. I played with it for a few good minutes, until my GF was outside too.

She starts looking at the app with me and then she says "Hey look, a shooting star!"

It wasn't a shooting star after all. It was moving way too slowly. We both saw the 2 faint orange lights that seemed to be a few hundred feet high, not much more, moving straight from East to West.

Most importantly, it was completely silent. It was quiet outside and we didn't hear a sound. Nothing. Since it was dark outside, it wasn't possible to see the edges, only the 2 faint lights. I thought it was perhaps a street lamp's light being reflected on a snow goose, but the object did had two faint orange lights, so it emitted light on its own, it wasn't a reflection.

As soon as it moved behind a building, we ran to the next street in order to spot it again. I was able to barely see it for a few seconds, seeing only one of the 2 light spots (it's rear light?), which allowed me to confirm it was pretty much in line with that very street. From there, I was able to estimate its altitude compared to the buildings around: something like 100 or 150 feet max.

All in all, it was pretty close to us after all and it was completely silent. I really don't think it was a bird. Birds don't have spot lights.

That's the first time I see such a thing in the sky. It was an interesting experience.


Is this any similar to what u have seen

I've seen this in London last year


No, it didn't look like this at all.

As I said, I saw 2 very faint lights. They were so faint that I didn't even try to take a photo with my cellphone, because it would have been an entirely black photo. And I couldn't see the edges.

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where the wild things are
No, it didn't look like this at all.

As I said, I saw 2 very faint lights. They were so faint that I didn't even try to take a photo with my cellphone, because it would have been an entirely black photo. And I couldn't see the edges.

I think it was in August, I sent you a PM about seeing similar lights. And actually they traveled in the same directions too... I think the lights you saw, are the ones I saw. :)

Congrats, dude :D

Yap, found the PM. It was the one labeled "Room wont load"

Thanks. Just sitting here watching out my window. Saw these strange lights earlier. Next time they appear, I'm going to record them. They looked like stars but had an orange-red glow to them, and were solid lights, one appeared to the north west, and then disappeared and then another one appeared to the north west. Not sure if it was the same light or not... unfortunately cloud cover is increasing and I only saw them when it was clear, hoping the clouds can break a bit and some more lights appear tonight...

I guess mine were a bit more solid, and brightly lit. But I think we saw the same lights, from your description.
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Nice, that sounds pretty much the same. Do you remember what their altitude seemed to be?

I cannot be a hundred percent sure of what I saw, but it sure is the first time I see something highly unusual in the sky. :)


where the wild things are
There is a cellular tower (they claim its a cell tower, but it could be a tower from the NSA to monitor communications) that is about 150 feet in the air, and those lights were about the same height as the top of the tower. So yeah between 100-150 feet in altitude, similar to yours.
