I think I just time traveled


New Member
Oh gosh I'm fucking scared. So I just signed up here to tell everyone my story... since today I didn't really believed in such things but today I kinda got the proof that time-travelling is possible. I am shaking right now so sorry if I may mispell something... so I just woke up around 1 hour ago (I'm in vacation at Tokyo, JP for the whole summer), everytime I wake up I check the hour: it was 7:42 AM. So I went to do breakfast, watched some TV news and went to wash my teeth. Now, it may seem a movie, but it isn't... while I was washing my teeth, I had a sudden headache, quite painful. I suffer of migraines but it's the first time it was that painful. So I seen like everything white, from the center of my rangeview expanding to my entire visual. Then after 10-15 seconds I "woke up" from this "nightmare". The water was not rushing, and I was still in the pyjamas... so I gone back in the kitchen to check the hour... guess what hour was it? It was 7:43 AM. I started shaking like mad, and now I'm writing this. I can't explain myself what just happened. Please help me...


Temporal Engineer
Seems like the whole thing was just a dream. Have some coffee and maybe it will be easier to comprehend.
