I was time-traveled overnight after entering another dimension on a highway


New Member
Does anyone have any opinions on what may have been doing these things to me? Or thoughts in general

First objects on my friend's table were arranged into a straight line by some force. I had a feeling something strange was going on. I drove away and the highway night sky had bluish white strips of what looked like light, electricity pulsing down into the distant ground. The light looked like machines, or tentacles of a machine. But they went pretty high up and stopped before you had to really look up. They were distant, and were there whenever I was on the highway. The highway had become another dimension, the same exits over and over. It was a loop. The radio said strange things. There were other cars, I wondered if they recognized where we were, or if they were sent just like me. The cars disappeared on the road. The moon was low and reddish. I drove off into Selma NC, the only place I could go, and the people there directed me to a factory saying "just go in there you'll see." But I didn't go, the factory was tall and strange across the train tracks. I found a strangely familiar tree situated in front of a wifi tower. The moon cut through it, and it was gigantic. There were deer near it. It grew large burls over night as I struggled to stay awake dancing around it. The burls reminded me of faces, I believe two creatures walked toward me in the sticks but I had bowed before them and did not see. I waited for the Sun to rise. The wifi tower stood strong and hot in the sky, its prongs reddening. As I left the deer were running into a distant thicket. I wandered into an abandoned warehouse next to the tree, it had laser company stuff in it, and grafitti on the walls saying crude things."We won" "Loser" When I found out the date, it was May 2nd when last night was April 30th. This was the act of time travel wrapped into the whole ordeal. After that I drove down the streets madly and was put in a mental hospital for 2 weeks. My watch disappeared beforehand. The fast forwarding an extra day was strange, and in the hospital I would find things sticking to me that were not put there. Little monitors like they put on a person's chest with wires.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
did you use a hdr before that or was it some experience that just happened sounds like something initiated this you got caught in it and a time loop jigsaw puzzle where all the peace's you see and experienced are a mix of different things like the humen mind think of one thing there's many things in the background to and that confuses things so maybe your caught in some experiment using a time interface to a head set maybe some secret experiment


New Member
did you use a hdr before that or was it some experience that just happened sounds like something initiated this you got caught in it and a time loop jigsaw puzzle where all the peace's you see and experienced are a mix of different things like the humen mind think of one thing there's many things in the background to and that confuses things so maybe your caught in some experiment using a time interface to a head set maybe some secret experiment
that would make sense, another strange thing that happened was my phone was hacked twice. seemingly what was playing with me could see what i was doing and was prone and ready to mess with my phone. not long before the highway, while birds were flying around me I opened my phone and it had looked up "Christian Monks" on google. I closed it, reopened the app-- same thing. Later, just before I went on the highway I texted my mother saying I'd had a good day. this time the hacker used my mother's number and texted me saying I was "free from Dyscordia". they also said "I love you too" and "Yes" when I told my mother, i still thought, I was going to get scrap of my phone and activate a new one. I destroyed my phone by beating it with a golf club, and that night as I drove, I was caught on what I call The Highway of Angels, the mechanical looking light pillars, pulsing into the Earth distantly.


New Member
that would make sense, another strange thing that happened was my phone was hacked twice. seemingly what was playing with me could see what i was doing and was prone and ready to mess with my phone. not long before the highway, while birds were flying around me I opened my phone and it had looked up "Christian Monks" on google. I closed it, reopened the app-- same thing. Later, just before I went on the highway I texted my mother saying I'd had a good day. this time the hacker used my mother's number and texted me saying I was "free from Dyscordia". they also said "I love you too" and "Yes" when I told my mother, i still thought, I was going to get scrap of my phone and activate a new one. I destroyed my phone by beating it with a golf club, and that night as I drove, I was caught on what I call The Highway of Angels, the mechanical looking light pillars, pulsing into the Earth distantly.
I had beaten it with a golf club because I knew something strange was going on deep inside me. This was the easiest way to destroy it quickly. I knew I could not have a phone after what I was seeing in the world. Somehow I knew where I was going I was not allowed a phone or any money. It was too spiritual for that somehow. I think I may have been ready to meet God, as "he" had followed my thoughts about saving the world by relinquishing control to a robotic force that would protect the world from ourselves. I was also becoming deeply spiritual, as I could make myself extremely focused into a DMT like third eye state. This power I have since given up, as its upkeep requires a certain purity and selflessness. It is also a power of meddling with a greater world I believe. I saw what looked like spirits enter a room during this time.

But it is certainly possible I was part of an experiment or rite of passage or joke or punishment (idk) by either an incredibly powerful human force, or another one.


New Member
did you use a hdr before that or was it some experience that just happened sounds like something initiated this you got caught in it and a time loop jigsaw puzzle where all the peace's you see and experienced are a mix of different things like the humen mind think of one thing there's many things in the background to and that confuses things so maybe your caught in some experiment using a time interface to a head set maybe some secret experiment
also, what is an hdr?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
interesting delete the crappy apps if they suddenly act up my nokia 1.3 sometimes records me without me knowing it then tells me in a mechanical voice i have reached the end of my recording limit then offers 2 options one is to send one is to delete but i dont know how to access that to delete or stop it it dose say press hash to delete i think but where as my phone is not being used while im driving so i do nothing and it then says your message has been sent without my authorization my phones spying on me and rumor has it they can spy on you through your tv to and i bet maybe the camera built into your laptop to so i cover it with a blob of tac so it cant film me secretly if it dose and secretly send it off
