If You Are a Believer....I Need Good Advice......


New Member
I have a beautiful young daughter (20), the youngest of 3 sisters and 1 brother, who has decided that she doesn't believe in any one god, and that Jesus was just a simple man. She further announced to me that she is now a Wicca witch. As I am somewhat a conservative christian, this broke my heart. I don't know if this is a rebellious thing or what...... she had a christian home education and I thought that that made a difference in her life. She asked for my opinion on the subject which really meant she wanted to argue about it. I told her I needed to think about it for a bit. When I did talk to her I told her that I only knew 3 things: 1. that I loved her beyond limitation, 2. that God loved her more, and 3. that she already belonged to Christ and that I prayed she would one day return to him.
Since our conversation, she is very open about her belief in the god Pan, and the "mother" and "father" earth, etc. I just listen and never really comment on any of it. However, when she came for a visit and became offended that I was listening to Christian music, I told her that I respected her decisions, so I expected her to respect my decisions, and that I was not going to apologize for my faith to her or anyone. She got upset but didn't say anymore about it....
If anyone has any advice and info about what she is getting into with this Wicca thing, please inform me! And a prayer for her wouldn't hurt!!!! But I really want to know more about this....
I have a beautiful young daughter (20), the youngest of 3 sisters and 1 brother, who has decided that she doesn't believe in any one god, and that Jesus was just a simple man. She further announced to me that she is now a Wicca witch. As I am somewhat a conservative christian, this broke my heart. I don't know if this is a rebellious thing or what...... she had a christian home education and I thought that that made a difference in her life. She asked for my opinion on the subject which really meant she wanted to argue about it. I told her I needed to think about it for a bit. When I did talk to her I told her that I only knew 3 things: 1. that I loved her beyond limitation, 2. that God loved her more, and 3. that she already belonged to Christ and that I prayed she would one day return to him.
Since our conversation, she is very open about her belief in the god Pan, and the "mother" and "father" earth, etc. I just listen and never really comment on any of it. However, when she came for a visit and became offended that I was listening to Christian music, I told her that I respected her decisions, so I expected her to respect my decisions, and that I was not going to apologize for my faith to her or anyone. She got upset but didn't say anymore about it....
If anyone has any advice and info about what she is getting into with this Wicca thing, please inform me! And a prayer for her wouldn't hurt!!!! But I really want to know more about this....

Hello! I think you already know the answer, "I told her that I respected her decisions, so I expected her to respect my decisions".
Respect each other and all will be fine. IMHO, she is a grown woman now and it's imperative to allow her to find herself her own way.
I'm Christian (non-denominational/alternative) and have told my children about God and Jesus, but they will choose their own religion later in life when they are ready and I'll respect their deicision. They are not baptised. They do not go to church. They will or will not choose later. Furthermore, if you choose to fight about religion, you could lose her. Years of not speaking to each other would be precious time wasted. Not worth it. You shouldn't, however, have to turn off your Christian music. Mutual respect is what it's all about. Maybe read up on Wicca. It is a religion based on nature. It's not what people make it out to be. You don't have to convert. Just learn a little bit. Hope this helps...

Pan was a very minor god. She's better watch for lightning bolts.

Keep her away from swans and bulls.


I looked into Wicca when I was younger. It seems harmless, though it was a little new agey for my taste. Having been raised by fundamentalist Christians who forced their religion on me, I can say with certainty that making an issue out of it is the worst thing you can do. I reject religion now because it was forced on me, and I saw rampant hypocrisy by those claiming to be godly. Shouldn't religious beliefs be something we keep to ourselves? Crusades and forced conversions are so... medieval.
I can understand your problem. I'm a non-denominational Christian, which usually means I get labeled as racist or homophobic. Neither of that is true. In the latter case, I can say that I don't agree with honosexuality, but I would never persecute anyone for being that way. Same with any religion. If someone can respect me for my beliefs,I do the same for them. As you said, it may be a kind of rebellion thing,whereas she wasn't able to experience other ways of thinking while she lived with you,and now that she's grown, she can test out who she wants to be. I relate it to when I was growing up, my mother forced me to listen to country music and said rock music was evil. When I grew up, I realized very quickly this wasn't necessarily true, and because of that, I've expanded my taste for music to encompass lots of different types of music, including some country. I think as long as you guys can agree to disagree but still get along and have a relationship, everything will be fine. She's going to do what makes her happy. And while I understand you worrying about her eternal soul, I think you need to be more mindful of your own. I'll send prayers your way.
I think In life everything happens for a reason. And nothing but nothing moves in this world without God allowing that. Not even demons can harm if God doesn't let them. For some reasons in life we have to go true certain things to be able to come to a real answer. The answer will always be in us but for us to hear it sometimes God let the Devil play with us but just because he knows that will be the only way we will find the truth. I hade a ruff life where u can easy loose your faith but I forgive in time ... Then I got in a bigger problem because forgiving them was making me feel guilty but then in the end I realise God wanted me to go true all that to fear so much until I don't feel fear anymore and with that he bit the devil :) you pray and have patience love here as u use to and slap her back with a good thing when she say something bad. Hope God will give you power to be strong. Do not fear :) trust Him !
