Illuminati Cabal Flee By The Hundreds As Mass Arrests Await Them

Max X

Junior Member
Our victory, freedom and peace is gradually taking over
The dark forces have been arrested by the thousands and to this day over 1000 bankers worldwide have resigned, so it is futile for the parasites trying to force more evil on us.
The reason for those top US bank leaders for resigning is because more than 26 US States have declared freedom from the Corporate United States and that means State police is legally able now to arrest the culprits in their borders without any intervention from the Feds.

See this serious life-changing information:
I doubt that all of this is true and taking place here now, but please, don't make fun of what other fellow members post. I'm sure you're not doing this to harm anyone, but many don't appreciate it.

Feel free to start a debunking topic if needed, I'd for one be interested to know what you think about this one. :)

Numenorean 7;

I wasn't intending to make fun of the member who posted the article. I agree my response was inappropriate. I don't fault the poster for being mislead by an article they believe to be true. The article was almost totally incorrect though. I apologize to Max X and to you for not properly following the rules. If you or anyone wants to discuss or debunk this I would be happy to join in. If you want a new thread please move this reply to a debunking thread. I didn't start one because I didn't think there would be much interest in debunking it.
Okay. We'll see what comes out of this topic and leave it that way for now. :)

I heard a few people talk about this "Cabal" a few times. I'm not against the idea that such a thing may exist at some extend. But, I'm not sure it's all that big, or as big as what's being suggested in the articles posted above.
