Interesting theory I have..


Active Member
This might not be a new theory, but I haven't heard it before.

I kinda wonder if ghosts really aren't time travel visions or something to do with time traveling. Like when ghosts are flipping lights, maybe it's trying to turn the lights on in their 1980's house but it's affecting your house in the present.

Or if a ghost is telling a loved one that he/she is okay, maybe it's them from the recent past coming through in like a time travel dream or something...

Dunno.. just thought maybe the two could be one and the same.

Thoughts? Opines?
I've thought of something like this, or maybe astral travelers...Maybe we're THEIR ghosts! :o

Yup. I was watching the Destination channel and the Haunting show they have.. and I was thinking.. I wonder if the doppleganger or ghosts or whatever you might be seeing is really just me walking around my house in my underwear and you're seeing me through some sort of timewarp transdimensional shift.

lol I can't say I've seen any ghosts walking around in their underwear, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for sure! :P

I doubt there is one single explaination for ghosts and hauntings and whatnot, but I definitely think what you're saying could be one possibility...
So the real question here as I see it is "What are ghosts?"

The way I see it, there can be a plethora of answers.

Including but not limited to:
  1. Dead humans (I figure this to be #1)
  2. Inter-Dimensional beings
  3. Aliens
  4. The government messing with my head
  5. Time travelers from our own future or past
From esoteric teachings there are two types of ghosts that I'm aware of, Justinian. You may have heard of ghost towns, places where people with enough psychic vision can see a whole town full of ghosts. Those ghosts are sometimes referred to as 'shadows'. They are not the real people. They are only the residual energy left behind by those people's Egos. They contain the memory of those people and they feel as if they are those people. But they are not. Eventually they dissolve back into the aether and disappear. They are capable of prolonging their existences by feeding on human's negative emotions. The other type of ghost that I'm aware of really is the person, stuck in the astral plane in his astral body. Whether or not 'ghosts' of time travelers can sometimes be seen, I really don't know at this point.
I've read all those before, but just got to wondering the other day.. Kind of like how all of you are saying there are multiple answers for what a ghost is... I'm all up for interdimensional-phase-time-shifting of people both past and present and future.
With quantum mechanics and the string theory coming to the fore of scientific thinking of late, its hard to not to contemplate that what we humans refer to as 'ghosts' are quite possibly entities in a parallel or some other stream of time. It makes me chuckle when I hear people discuss 'demons', when in all reality they are nothing more than mischievous or pissed off entities in a different time stream. But I guess it make's one feel accomplished if they have a title.
Well but what if Demons are really someone like me that is trying like Hell to turn on the light switch at my house in what I perceive as a dream and in reality it's your house, 20 years in the future?
