Iranian news agency says the U.S. is secretly run by Nazi space aliens. Really.


Time Travel Professor
Iranian news agency says the U.S. is secretly run by Nazi space aliens. Really.

Screenshot of Fars News' English edition.

Iran's semi-official news outlets have something of a reputation for taking conspiracy theorism to the next level. They've written on Israel's secret plans to annex Iraq, the conspiracy by Western media to fabricate quotes by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani condemning the Holocaust and the secret Jewishness of the British royal family. You may notice a certain theme here.

On Sunday, the hard-line semi-official Fars News dropped one of its biggest bombshells yet: The United States government has been secretly run by a "shadow government" of space aliens since 1945. Yes, space aliens. The alien government is based out of Nevada and had previously run Nazi Germany. It adds, for timeliness, that the controversial NSA programs are actually a tool for the aliens to hide their presence on Earth and their secret agenda for global domination. This is all asserted as incontrovertible fact with no caveats.

There are so many wonderful details here. As proof that aliens were secretly behind the Nazis, the report explains that Germany built hundreds of submarines toward the end of the war, far more than would have been possible with mere human technology. It does not explain why aliens with access to interstellar travel built subs that were so grossly incapable against the British navy, or why all-powerful extraterrestrials were unable to help the Nazis resist an invasion by Allied forces that are mere cavemen relative to their own technology. So far, these are pretty unimpressive aliens.

In any case, after losing the war, the aliens apparently installed themselves as the secret force behind the United States government. President Obama is said to be a tool of the aliens, though anti-alien factions within the U.S. government are fighting to topple him. Their present aim is to install a global surveillance system that will, somehow, allow them to finally impose a one-world government and enslave humanity.

The best part to all this, to me, is the sourcing. Fars News takes us through a veritable hall-of-mirrors of sources "confirming" their scoop. The progenitor of it all, of course, is ostensibly NSA leaker Edward Snowden, who has waited until now to reveal that the real reason for all those NSA programs is aliens. As best I can tell, Fars claims that Snowden gave this information to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB). They also say it was independently confirmed by former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer. (Hellyer, who is 90, does indeed argue that aliens have visited Earth many times, though I haven't seen him comment on this particular story.) The FSB, they say, put all this information down in a secret report, which was inexplicably obtained by the ultra-fringe conspiracy theory Web site,

Yes, this story is highly entertaining, as are many of the bizarre conspiracy theories proposed by official or semi-official news agencies in authoritarian states. But there's also a more serious undercurrent here. A worldview that sees the U.S. as an evil hegemonic force so irrationally driven toward global domination that it must be run by space aliens is not a worldview that is predisposed toward negotiation or accommodation. It's one that justified, or perhaps even necessitates, total resistance and a refusal to compromise. To be clear, this does not appear to be the present view of the Iranian president; the ongoing and highly public friction between Rouhani's moderate-minded camp and Fars is proof enough of that. But the fact that there are people anywhere within the Iranian system sympathetic enough to this viewpoint to let through an article like this is a reminder of how some hard-liners see the world.
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Senior Member
I have heard that the Nazi's worked with ET life, that is very common. So is the fact we are secretly run by Aliens...which again is widely believed. I got a guy at work who believes that and we tend to argue frequently.


That story is far-fetched. Does that make it less believable?

I like to read such theories of massive alien conspiracies. Like BT, I've heard a lot of those stories over the years. I don't believe them, but I like to consider the idea and wonder about the "what ifs" coming with it.



where the wild things are
Well. According to this text in the actual article on the site:

This report has been wired from As you can see, we have both mentioned and hyperlinked the source of this report and also released it in the wire section of our website to notify our viewers that all responsibility for the veracity, authenticity and reliability of this report lies with its original source,

And according to this:

Sorcha Faal - RationalWiki

I call bullshit.


Active Member
This same news agency also reported that the Holocaust never happened and was created by the US which was told to do it from the Jews of the world to create hate against the muslim nations. Most of what they report is created fiction to get attention.


where the wild things are
This same news agency also reported that the Holocaust never happened and was created by the US which was told to do it from the Jews of the world to create hate against the muslim nations. Most of what they report is created fiction to get attention.

Created by the US, huh? So then why were most of the concentration camps, death camps, ran by Germans? Better yet, why would we bother sending aid to countries during the war, before we even became involved in it military wise? Germany declared war on us long before the Japanese attacked us. There's a reason for that.


Active Member
hey.. don't shoot the messenger. There is actually a following behind this thinking too. I just used that as a point to illustrate how trustworthy this .. ''news'' agency is.


where the wild things are
hey.. don't shoot the messenger. There is actually a following behind this thinking too. I just used that as a point to illustrate how trustworthy this .. ''news'' agency is.

Nah, I wasn't pointing my comment at you. Was just speaking in general, pointing it at the rubbish news agency. Weekly World News has better articles than this agency.


Junior Member
I'm resurrecting this thread because I was searching through the archives and thought it was interesting. I have some related points to make that I believe add to the theme being recounted here that didn't seem to be mentioned while the thread was active.

Yes, the Iranian news agency that published the report is a propaganda tool. It does its own "spin" on news items that backs up the regime in power in Iran. Would anyone care to compare that spin with the spin Faux News puts on the stories it publishes and airs on its television shows? During the bush-2/cheney administration, Faux News was all over the threat posed by the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq was planning to unleash upon Hoboken, New Jersey and Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

I do get the point made previously about how the stories listed by the OP have an anti-Israel theme, and how the news agency used the Snowden revelations to publicize the information about the U.S. government being run by evil alien NAZI's. Putting all that aside, I didn't notice anyone here getting into the meat of the story being run.

Does anyone here dispute the fact that the American government is currently owned, bought and paid for, by large multi-national corporations? Or that the primary beneficiary of USA tax dollars is the Industrial-Military-Prison Complex that also has a large say in determining American domestic and foreign policy?

There once was a Harvard professor who taught economics and history, who later moved to Stanford. His name was Anthony Sutton. He was rather brilliant in a dogged sort of way. He was also professionally ostracized pretty harshly for his outspoken views concerning the (then) recent past of American history, and the trends he saw developing amongst American policy makers. What were those views?

During his life, Sutton published a series of three monographs that irrefutably documented the role American industrialists and financiers played in shaping events that took place in post World War One Europe. The theme boils down to the fact that the descendants of American's "robber barons" used their daddy's money to fund the rise to power of Lenin in revolutionary Russia, and the rise of National Socialism in Germany. They used the economic and political turmoil both societies were undergoing to put their political agenda into place. What was this agenda? The families involved, Harriman, Lamont, Ford, Rothschild, Warburg, Alcoa, Bush, Dulles, Rockefeller, etc., all held strong sympathetic views on issues that were popular amongst their cliques such as eugenics and population control, fascism, and racial superiority.

As I said, Sutton was a meticulous academician. Every word and every concept he put forth in these three works is solidly documented, having their basis in the historical documents he used to uncover what had actually taken place. Though his academic colleagues could not fault his findings, they could not abide his conclusions. Why? His extreme and radical views repudiated much of what his colleagues were teaching. He was subjected to the same type of professional censorship we find today when investigators attempt to present evidence that refutes commonly held theories in the fields of archeology and anthropology. This same process was delineated by Thomas Kuhn whereby a society defends the consensual reality it creates for those who are its members against threats posed by a rogue member who uncovers contradictory facts.

Suffice it to say that Prescott Bush was the stooge who was the titular head of the bank that was seized by the U.S. government in, I believe, 1943 for violating the trading with the enemy statutes; and, the Standard Oil Company made it possible for Hitler to keep his mechanized military moving up to the end of the war. To those traitors who were in charge, it was all business as usual -- and I am talking about World War Two.

The bottom line is, it was these American fascists who set the German economy up for collapse after WW-1 via the Treaties of Versailles and the war reparations imposed upon Germany. These same fascists also set the stage for the conflict between Hitler and Stalin by ensuring those two European superpowers were controlled by diametrically opposed economic systems.

By the end of World War Two the same American fascists were literally in position to take control of our government. We had one Dulles brother as Secretary of State, while the other Dulles brother headed up the CIA. W. Averill Harriman was a key advisor to several US presidents, and served as ambassador to the Soviet Union. There's a picture available on the web that shows Prescott Bush leaning over the shoulder of President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the oval office alongside Dick Nixon, who was then Vice President.

Was Henry Ford using slave labor to build automobiles in Germany during WW-2? Was IBM supplying the punch cards that permitted the Gestapo to keep track of all the blacks and Gypsies and Jews it was herding into concentration camps? Did the Rockefellers grant sole use of a secret formula for converting coal into fuel for tanks and planes up until the end of WW-2? Yes, on all counts; it all happened.

What else happened after WW-2 ended? The American intelligence community ran Operation Paperclip that smuggled Nazi scientists and spies out of Germany and brought them to the USA. Here, the NAZI rocket scientists continued their pursuit of militarizing space by running NASA. NAZI medical scientists were infiltrated into the military's germ warfare and biological weapons "research" programs. The spies on the other hand, were installed in the newly formed CIA instituted by the Truman administration at the onset of the national security state. When it comes to the ineffable "they" we hear so much about, it is the actors who fill the roles of running our national security apparatus who constitute the "they," and they have been in control of the U.S. government ever since. From their secretive positions of unelected power, they directed the Cold War that drained trillions of dollars from the American economy and put it at the disposal of black ops projects. These projects included the continuation of Nazi mind control drug experiments.

The other noteworthy activity those ex-Nazi spies were engaged in was the conduct of the Cold War. It wasn't just the Americans who imported NAZI scientists and spies; Stalin had his elite forces tracking down and convincing all the NAZI spies and scientists they could find to immigrate to the Soviet Union. There, they competed, or cooperated depending on your point of view, with their Americanized counterparts. In other words, the Cold War was literally a game of smoke and mirrors conducted by those who had conducted the German war efforts and survived the Third Reich.

Talk about sick, there's a "school" in Virginia known as The School of the Americas dedicated to teaching foreign military leaders the fine art of creating and using death squads to control a domestic population. This was Henry Kissinger's pet project. Kissinger's prize winning student is named Paul Bremer. Amongst other posts held by Bremer, he was appointed as Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism and Coordinator for Counterterrorism in 1986 under the Regan administration. He was stationed at several locations throughout South America where, curiously enough, he left a trail of death squads operating in his wake. The high point of his career came when he became the Governor of Iraq. Oddly enough, it was shortly after his arrival that death squads began operating in Iraq.

This is what American government has devolved into and become. It's controlled by sick people who see to it sick atrocities are committed against the inhabitants of foreign countries.

Why would anyone be worried about people who have come into contact with ebola patients being placed under quarantine? It sounds like a good idea. The trouble is that the people who will be ultimately in charge of such a policy when it is imposed are the same ones who will be in charge when martial law is imposed and enforced by the same "private contractors" hired by Bremer when he took control of Iraq. The trouble with all this is, the people I'm talking about here have a long legacy that stretches back in an unbroken chain to the death camps operated by their sick NAZI administrator counterparts in Germany during the 1940's.

Are NAZI aliens in charge of the USA as reported by the Iran news agency in the story above? I don't know. As for the part of the story that talks about NAZI's controlling the USA government, that part I can buy. And I don't think it's funny or anything to be scoffed at.
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