Is Paranormalis moving to xenForo?

Re: Is Paranormalis moving to xenForo?

I used to love vB, but these new owners really fuggered it all up :( xF1 is pretty much what vB4 SHOULD have been.
Re: Is Paranormalis moving to xenForo?

Even after a year i still don't like vB4, or the look and feel of the site. Everthing is slow, awkward looking, many things are just not right. Xenforo is coming, I'll post an announcement once I'm ready! :)
Do you know any site where they're doing hardcore vB4 bashing ? I'm sure we could contribute uh!
I really like this new style but not really liking the color scheme. I liked the old Gray/Green color scheme better, felt more with the theme of things. Also VB felt "clunkier" or "slower" than XenForo, for lack of better words.. I think you made a good choice with this new format, Num. Good recommendation too, Brent.
