Is Religion the denial of Science?

:eek:They can both exist without causing a big fuss, one saying the other can't be right or vice vrsa. It the human element that scres it up with dogmatic attitudes that hold no other thought is true but theirs.:cautious::cautious::cautious:
:eek:They can both exist without causing a big fuss, one saying the other can't be right or vice vrsa. It the human element that scres it up with dogmatic attitudes that hold no other thought is true but theirs.:cautious::cautious::cautious:

Yea, what he said.
How can we expect science and religion to get along when the religions themselves can't. Even the ones that claim to be Christian don't agree with one another. As Graveyard Hound stated, ' its the human element' that has to interject itself and make things more complicated than necessary. I consider myself to be a man of Faith and also a man of Science and I don't have any problems consolidating the two.
Science does have some issues, as do religions. For the most part, science deals only with observable/measurable physical events. Religion on the other hand tries to explain the things that cannot be observed/measured, non-physical events. One view is not right and the other wrong. Both are just trying to understand the true nature of reality. They are just looking at different parts of it. Being different, each part follows its own set of rules. At some point we may learn how both side interface with each other. The questions that both sides have, may have the same answers.
Unfortunately, this fear is motivating people to replace science with a belief in magic, from seemingly harmless magic such as Ginkgo biloba, echinacia, and açaí, to tragic magic such as using coffee enemas to cure cancer, or even insisting that beet root can cure HIV. People fight genetically engineered food, and think it's wrong to patent life and crop seeds -- and they blame science for these problems. But these issues are about law, morality and corporate greed, not science.
Science is based on evidence. while religion is based on belief. It's hard to believe certain religious things that have no proof or evidence. A lot of people become part of religions that they know nothing about. Religion doesn't like science because science doesn't agree and can prove it wrong.
Well I believe in both ends of this spectrum so I don't agree with this idea. I'm a big science fan and I thoroughly enjoy reading articles about the latest theories on the universe but I'm also quite a strong christian. So it's not the denial of science at all.
Science is based on evidence. while religion is based on belief. It's hard to believe certain religious things that have no proof or evidence. A lot of people become part of religions that they know nothing about. Religion doesn't like science because science doesn't agree and can prove it wrong.

Science is concerned with the physical side of reality and religion the non-physical. Studying the physical aspects of the non-physical is an exorcise in futility. Science cannot prove or disprove the religious/spiritual side of reality. Many scientists are religious, not all are so materialistic. Thoughts and actions are not just due to physical changes in our brains. The initial firing of the neuron that starts the thought or action is caused by the collapse of a probability wave function at the quantum level. This is being studied as to the cause of this collapse. The "what" of what causes this is not a physical cause, but something outside the physical. That is according to scientists.
I think there is more to life than science can explain at the moment. There fore I do not deny science I am just waiting for science to catch up
