Is the Assassination of Russian Ambassador to Turkey This Generation’s Archduke Ferdinand...

Antonio Conselheiro a sort of Nostradamus from the backlands in northern Brazil predicted this cataclism as he preached=

Quotation"...a thousand flocks shall run from the seacoast to the backlands; and then the backlands will turn into seacoast and the seacoast into backlands."

Impending natural catastrophes will come first. Do not bother so much with a World War.
I predicted the UK would leave the EU, Trump would become US President and that December23rd this year will NOT herald the destruction of planet Earth (i could make a good living out of my predictions :LOL:)
Some of my few predictions notoriously came true. Both made in a mental deranged state cause when i am sobrious i am the most boring intellectual logical creature in the world. I really hit the bull's eye.
The first one was "spat out" in the country side in the aftermath of a confusing argument of drunk new acquaintances: the cousin of my late wife who was present at that party and this beast here. Nowadays i do not drink anymore. I have already had my share of alchool damage to my brain cells (jokingly). But exactly a decade ago i still was fooling myself pretending alcohol made of anyone a "good sports" in any party.
Well, the said cousin had bullied me too badly with a talking of having dated my wife (her cousin) and i was so angry at that that somehow anger ignited a paranormal side of me. Kicked inside by alcohol and anger i spat out aloud at his face that he would not survive the next rain season
by dying tragically in a car crash.
Little i still recall from that surreal party but some guys of the civil police driving me home along a 20 mile trip.
In the predicting time the big mouth poor my late wife cousin died in a car crash and unfortunately his body was almost unrecognizable. After the episode i deeply lamented the outcome of my prediction. I had long accepted the fact that my late wife (May Lord take care of her
up there in heavens) could have had a fleeting love affair with her cousin back then when they were much younger. Now i was mourning the poor guy.
The next successful prediction is way too difficult too describe and it would take me some time, TimeFlipper. But stay in tune "old sport".
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@Opmmur- Professor

Another successful prediction is directly related to an experiment my late wife and I tried on a rainy Sunday morning. We had been deeply studying the classic magical rites of Elifas Levi and after following the ritual, having recited the prayer of the angels of the 4th corners of the Universe bearing the sword inside the magical circle I got possessed by a weird outward force.
Once again I was not the owner of all my sobriety as I started shouting imprecations. I must make it clear that it is not that i was making use of foul language, rather i was uttering hard words, or something or someone was doing that cause actually i was taken over by a force. Shouting imprecations in a sense a wish for justice was being called down by prayer, as something hurtful or calamitous but not necessarily of a bad taste. As if in the state i was i tried to "Imprecate the vengeance of Heaven on the guilty empire", but nothing personal, intently directed to someone.
  • imprecate To invoke justice upon; not properly 'evil'. Cause i had not anyone in mind before the practice.
  • The wall seemed to be dissolving before my eyes while I envisioned something from a cloud.
  • And then, all of a sudden, i saw a vision forming before my astonished eyes=
  • I saw the dead body of the professor X, a very known person in my town, a literate, an extremely inteligent man with his neck tied to the steering wheel of his car, i am going to ommit which car he owned purposefully, so that this incident can not be identified, cause it is a true crime perpetrated against the professor. Now i will also ommit what he was doing ...I only can say he was dealing with dangerous teen agers from the slums of a great city. Well something relating sex, i should not have said and i think this is enough cause someone from my home town who knew him may identify him and the case.
  • All this crime i predicted, TimeFlipper and Professor Opmmur. I saw it happening before my eyes inside the magical circle, in a somewhat mental deranged state as i was zoned out completely. And i shouted this would happen within a month period of time. And so it happened to my consternation and amazement.
If i was telling a lie. If this was not true. I would embellish the narrative to make it more atractive. I would flourish things over estimating my supposed abilities. But i am not doing that. i am being frank , truthful cause i respect myself and i fear the Karma Law. If i was telling a lie to deceive you. What would i gain from it?
Besides i am exposing myself and making it clear that i have had a tremendous success predicting events in tragic circumstances only. And more my state of mind having done the predictions was a mental deranged one. But in the name of my self respect i had to stick to the truth, as it really happened, not as i imagined it happening .
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