ISIS threaten to kill two Japanese


Temporal Engineer
I thought for a moment... That bankers should have funds enough to make a skillfully made video.
I suppose they wouldn't want to make a video like that.

Who profits from the war the videos might help start?

The fact that the video does appear to be fake raises a whole bunch of questions.

Is it a test, to see who is paying attention?

Is it someone trying to wake us all up by showing us that propaganda is all a lie?

Are the bankers drawing attention away from themselves by making a less than perfect video?

Bankers are the prime suspect. They profit immensely from war. Perhaps if there was a worldwide war effort against bankers, the world would become a more peaceful place to exist.


Temporal Engineer
Here is some expert opinion on the ransom video. They agree it appears to be fake too. For the same reasons i pointed out.

Here is an excerpt:

The hostage video showing the hostages wearing orange jump suits and kneeling before a masked, black-clad jihadist may have been faked, experts said. New analysis of the video appears to reveal the message was shot indoors using a "green screen," and a phony backdrop, according to Veryan Khan, editorial director for the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium. She told The Associated Press the light source on the men in the latest videos appears to be coming from two different directions — as opposed to one bright sun, and said if the video was made outdoors in natural light, the shadows behind them should be going in one direction. Instead, they converge.

Experts say ISIS ransom clip faked as deadline for Japanese hostages passes | Fox News
