THinkharder is my alternate internet name
It is time
HI everyone ,
My Name is Dr Z , im sure alot of you know me from my apperance on the rob and big show and my google video , i was invited here and i see the lack of new thread on a regular basis , this forum look cool and seem to have a lot of potential ,
my new thread today is
It is time
meaning , its time we build something , a real time travel machine using the input of everyone who wants to share there knowledge , i have the firm intention to rebuild my brossard experiment but with a twist , the last time i was lacking serious knowledge i build it base on the Philadelphia experiment , but after reading and guessing what really happen im ready to give it a try again but i learn from al bielek , he claim that the experiement didnt had any time control , this is were you guys imagination come in , i too dont have enough mind power to come up with a time control apparatus is base on your collective knowledge let me know your idea if you wish to share
cheers to you all
Dr z
HI everyone ,
My Name is Dr Z , im sure alot of you know me from my apperance on the rob and big show and my google video , i was invited here and i see the lack of new thread on a regular basis , this forum look cool and seem to have a lot of potential ,
my new thread today is
It is time
meaning , its time we build something , a real time travel machine using the input of everyone who wants to share there knowledge , i have the firm intention to rebuild my brossard experiment but with a twist , the last time i was lacking serious knowledge i build it base on the Philadelphia experiment , but after reading and guessing what really happen im ready to give it a try again but i learn from al bielek , he claim that the experiement didnt had any time control , this is were you guys imagination come in , i too dont have enough mind power to come up with a time control apparatus is base on your collective knowledge let me know your idea if you wish to share
cheers to you all
Dr z