It possessed my wife last night


Ishtar spoke through my wife, but the hat man was behind my wife. The team i am working with told me that the hat man and ishtar are working in conjunction. I have a vortex in my house. It's in my basement. The hat man appeared to my wife again on the 4rth, my wife was in the basement and it came to her. told her," She will never be as powerful of a medium as your husband, but it can help her become that", but my wife said no, she tried to pray but it made her choke and old her" i will do with you whatever i want". Later that night she was in the bathroom drying her hair. It grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved her face into the sink.. I took pictures of her, you can see finger marks on her shoulder and she has a black eye and a bruised face. The team will be here on saturday to do an exorcism. Saturday can't come fast enough.. It's being preformed by this group..

This fake calling itself ishtar is using your wife to get to you.

Yes..they are in conjunction.

The 'hatman' is being the atypical 'watcher' for this lower class spirit. Most shadow people are exactly that.

You have a gift something wants to control before you become strong enough to be able to do them in. By attacking your wife, it is causing fear...anger.... apprehension which eventually weakens all involved.

This is only one way evil attacks the innocent.

The thing you NEED to know,
Ishtar isn't this thing's real name, the thing they protect the very most is their real name!!

There is no way on Earth it would ever volunteer the one thing that would get it eradicated.

I Hope and Pray that this team can flush these things from your life Forever!


Freak Show

Active Member
The team has decided not to come. They claim this is beyond them. They seem to think it's not a spirit thing and something of another dimension. I'm thinking maybe they bit off more than they can chew and decided to back out. They didn't even call me to cancel, they just sent a text. So now we're back to square one


New Member
I posted under mysticism. I have been possessed for two years now after a very nasty woman did witchcraft on me. I was attacked by a demon similar to your wife in the beginning before it held me down and entered my body. It got into my mind and it put thoughts against Jesus/God/Angels into my head to make me loose my faith. Before it practically took over my mind I was able to force myself to believe in Jesus. That was the only thing that helped. I have been to priests, shamans, healers, paranormal groups, prayer name it...without MY faith in God no one could help me. Unfortunately, because it is targeting your wife and not you She is the Only one that can help herself. She has to believe in Jesus and fight through prayer. The stronger her faith the more power she will feel come to her. That love energy from God is the ONLY thing that will push the demon away, that and the angels. Praying with others does help and it seems to increase the amount of energy in the room. The major goal is to get the angels to come to fight for you. You can pray directly to arch angel michael or Jesus/God. Jesus will send the angels. The demon does not want your wife to pray because it is the only thing that will help her. It will do everything in its power to stop her from praying to God. You want her to fight this now because it will only get worse if she doesn't. You could loose her altogether. It is that serious and that dangerous the situation she is in. If you are lucky she is being attacked by a demon that doesn't mess with her mind. I wasn't that lucky. You can Skype with Kathy. Google Kathy at firstfruitsministry She doesn't charge and will guide your wife in deliverance sessions and pray with her. She has helped many many people. I, also, went to a guy in Montreal jarredheavensmessenger. He is a healer and uses energy from Jesus to 'destroy' the demons. It didn't work for me, but he has a ton of testimonials from others who it did work for. He charges but he didn't charge me because it didn't work. Remember nothing will work without faith and prayer. It is very rare that the light will come to help without prayer. They must be asked to intercede. Asking a priest or minister to bless your house can, also, help if the demon is attached to the property. If this is the case try getting out of the house for a week or so to see if your wife stops getting attacked. If the demon is attached to the property and hasn't attached itself to her yet then it won't follow her. If it follows her then she is in for a fight. If it doesn't follow her, my suggestion would be move. Her life isn't worth the risk. I can't stress this enough. Her life is in serious danger. Good luck and may God be with you.


New Member
The team has decided not to come. They claim this is beyond them. They seem to think it's not a spirit thing and something of another dimension. I'm thinking maybe they bit off more than they can chew and decided to back out. They didn't even call me to cancel, they just sent a text. So now we're back to square one
The hatman is a typical demon. You can read about them online. I have a friend that was attacked by that one.

Freak Show

Active Member
All has been taken care of since this happened. What it came down to is that i'm a spirit medium and all spirit come to me. they believe i am the light into heaven, when in fact i am a guide to cross them over. although not all spirit want to cross over which is why people see most of the spirit that they do. those spirit get sort of stuck here. most don't want to cross in fear of being judged. not to worry, no one gets judged hat way. everyone goes to heaven.. there is an upper and lower level. upon what you have done here decides which level you go to. if you do things that are not in the best interests of others, you'll go to the lower level until you have redeemed yourself and can move up.


New Member
All has been taken care of since this happened. What it came down to is that i'm a spirit medium and all spirit come to me. they believe i am the light into heaven, when in fact i am a guide to cross them over. although not all spirit want to cross over which is why people see most of the spirit that they do. those spirit get sort of stuck here. most don't want to cross in fear of being judged. not to worry, no one gets judged hat way. everyone goes to heaven.. there is an upper and lower level. upon what you have done here decides which level you go to. if you do things that are not in the best interests of others, you'll go to the lower level until you have redeemed yourself and can move up.
Good! What did you do to get it to cross over?

Freak Show

Active Member
all any of them have to do is ask for God's forgiveness for not going in the first place. They they talk to my Angels who are also my guides. Then i guide the soul into the light


New Member
all any of them have to do is ask for God's forgiveness for not going in the first place. They they talk to my Angels who are also my guides. Then i guide the soul into the light
I wish this would work for me. I've had people try what you do, but the demon has overtaken my mind and won't let me believe in God. It is torture. I used to be able to pray to archangel michael. His energy would come and almost pull this thing out of would stretch like taffy still clinging to me and then it would come right back in me. I'd do it over and over again. Now that I can't believe in the angels their energy doesn't come to me anymore. This thing has taken over my mind literally.

Freak Show

Active Member
Because you choose to let it. We all have that choice, it's called free will.. But whatever it is that's controlling you can only control your body and not your soul. You soul like mine was created by God from a part of him. Your soul is a divine spirit. You must think good thoughts. You must get rid of all the negative energy in your life, just let it go. The more you have the more you attract. So if you keep it around you then the thoughts will stay with you.
