Joey Bidens New Business Partners Are All Evil..


Senior Member
I'm starting to wonder if Titor's prediction of a big mess occurring in the short future timeline's not an eventuality. The stage is set for something big in The Ukraine. Republicans and democrats in the US are poised at each other's throats. The only thing that's missing. This is a large predicted asteroid impact to Earth as predicted by Babba Vanga & Nostradamus. FarSight Remote Viewing company already did an R.V. report on this one.

Two, would be some aliens landing, but for some reason I don't think it would be a full-scale invasion,.. bruised fruit?

The last one would be a full-scale thermonuclear exchange. There where-ifs on this baby, are that our central sun's a mild variable and when this kind of sun starts in its phases, then you don't really want a nuclear exchange. There's a portion of that raw energy that shunts into the entire system and takes up in the sun. This is about the same as taking a full jigger of good whisky and placing it in a baby's bottle. I mean like the kid's going to become violently ill.

So' what might be coming our way, is one or two of the three happenstances predicted.

On the old posting board at TTI, Pamlea Moore and a few other became highly upset when Titor had dropped the particulars on the full-scale nuke exchange from his timeline. I was one of the ones upset, but after that moment's time then, we became friends. I then saw deeper into her and what I had seen, I really liked.

We're at a box seat at the opera Flipper. I'd be delighted to get you a box of popcorn, but your'e not supposed to eat this at the performance.
