John Titor and GPS

John Titor and GPS

Originally posted by StarLord@Jan 13 2005, 12:02 AM
So what did he use for positioning in 1975?

If you read what he said about the physical aspects of the time travel experience, it leaves no question about how the vehicle positions and locates itself on its displaced divot of earth. If there is a glitch, the vehicle is said to revert to the last known verified "place" free of obstacle or doubt. It is, in fact, its own GPS. You might carry equipment that would be useful for only some of any trip anywhere, such as snow chains.
John Titor and GPS

As I understand it, Nuclear EMP only affects electronic devices which are switched on and have a volatile memory... whatever that means. I also understand that it is not difficult to shield tech from the effects of an EMP.

EMP can fry out any sophistocated hard wired electronic circuit. The more sophisticated and micro ized the device the more vulnerable it is. The first bombst to go off in most total nuke war scenarios are huge near orbital charges that are designed to take out communications, command and controll and generally throw the opposing country into dissaray in hopes that it would minimize the response, and take any missile defenses off line.
Titor said that the russians did not use these. In that case, EMP dammage would be restricted to areas near the blast radi of the weapons. It is quite possible that computers, GPS units and all kinds of other things would survive. Also with twenty years between the war and his trip, you'd think that they could build some new ones.
John Titor and GPS

EMP can fry out any sophistocated hard wired electronic circuit. The more sophisticated and micro ized the device the more vulnerable it is.

If I am not mistaken, and there are most likely some military ppl out there who could back this up, but even government equipment is shielded from EMP bursts. The History channel is quite informative; to the best of my knowledge, military equipment has been outfitted to not be affected by Electro Magnetic Pulses.

If we're going to use it against someone else, we better know how to defend ourselves from it as well. The sad thing is that most civi's don't have protected equipment. We'll all be up #%*^ creek without a paddle if they're used against us.
John Titor and GPS

If I am not mistaken, and there are most likely some military ppl out there who could back this up, but even government equipment is shielded from EMP bursts. The History channel is quite informative; to the best of my knowledge, military equipment has been outfitted to not be affected by Electro Magnetic Pulses.

Some military stuff is hardened against EMP, but only so far so much. This can still be taken out by a large enough pulse. An EMP is essentially electricity traveling through the air on its own (more complex than that really but for our purposes thats good enough) It will cause a power surge in any conductive material that it finds having the same effect as if the local power station turned up the juice to about a thousand times normal output for a nanosecond.
Civillian stuff could be sheilded, but the expense would be preposterous. Things which are turned off (and not connected to antennas in the case of radio epuipment) are less vurnable. However much civillian equipment doesn't need to be sheilded. For instance, I doubt you will need your IPod, cell phone, or gameboy immediatly after a blast. Your computer will be useless as will be your TV Set. (no power or broadcasting stations. )
Re: John Titor and GPS

Your all being fooled, John is a fake get over it and accept it it is ridiculous to argue or debate something as John being real, pleased don't be duped by a fake. I don't believe you guys are wasting precious TIME over something so crazy. Given enough time and words it will sound real. The human mind will create something it thinks is believeable if one wants to believe its true, if that person wants to believe it so much they can taste it so to speak. I am retired USAF and seen some wild stuff, believe me he is a fake.
