John Titor said Cancer cells would be treated with Viruses: VERIFIED


where the wild things are
Titor could have been real. I have more reason to suspect it was a hoax versus thinking it was a genuine time traveler talking to us, but that doesn't necessarily mean the message he had lacks anything of value.

I have no problems with someone believing he was a hoax. I'm just irritated because any post about Titor turns into a "is he really real?" debate, even if the topic wasn't meant to be about that.

Yeah that's true. I'm guilty of leading things there sometimes.

Well its hard not to do that. Someone posts something and you have that rush of "i need to debunk that" and then it leads into a major debate with the believer and skeptic and yeah...


Does Titor not use the word "is?"

That is the present time in which he was speaking, then, semantically.

Let's pretend that the thread isn't about a "prediction" coming "true," is what you suggest.

There was no prediction, and it was true before Titor said anything.
Well... Wouldn't that pretty much remove any notability from his comments? Anyone with an internet connection could have fired up the old Lycos, HotBot or Ask Jeeves and seen that information.
Oh, but Cosmo, this thread isn't about whether Titor was a real time traveler, haven't you caught onto that yet? ;)
Oh, no no no! It's about whether Titor's "prediction" came true and absolutely nothing else.

Otherwise, someone might have to admit they've been utterly conned!


Otherwise, someone might have to admit they've been utterly conned!

Read Conviction of a Time Traveler, then have an educated opinion instead of insulting people. You don't have to agree, but do research before
telling people their stupid, being conned, etc.



Otherwise, someone might have to admit they've been utterly conned!

Read Conviction of a Time Traveler, then have an educated opinion instead of insulting people. You don't have to agree, but do research before
telling people their stupid, being conned, etc.

View attachment 1355

I teach physics and hold a degree in mathematics.

I believe I know a little about spacetime.

Sorry, but your attempt is exceedingly weak here.


I'm not debating right now, Earthmask. You turn everything into a confrontation. I still challenge you as teacher to read Conviction of a Time Traveler. It was written by an educated person who studied Titor for 10 years. Again, it's not my motive to convince anyone, but I recommend at least reading his analysis before judging other people. People are going to believe things that you don't and sometimes you have to just let them believe. Besides, I know these aren't my forums and I'm not a moderator, but I personally don't agree with turning every post about Titor into a battle. Example -- I'm an alternative Christian and people post about atheism. I don't go in there and try to convert everyone to my beliefs. I suppose I could go in and debate NICELY, but honestly, I just accept the fact that people have the right to believe what they want. Other peoples' beliefs don't bother me one bit. I'm not offended that someone thinks Titor is a hoax, I just want people to put some meat behind their statements. Another example, Ren recommended that I read the book Caesar's Messiah which could possibly prove that Jesus doesn't exist. (I have it, but haven't had the chance to read it). I am in no way offended that he believes this and in fact, when I someday get a chance, I'm going to investigate it. I don't attack him because of it. I don't call him a liar or an idiot. I investigate claims when time allows. This is just my line of thinking. And if it warrants a debate, it should be just two people discussing, not battling or putting eachother down. I also just personally feel there is a place for everything. Seriously, feel free to open a Titor debate thread. Just debate with intelligence, not insults. Just my point of view. *shrug* I'm sorry if this upsets you.


I'm not debating right now, Earthmask. You turn everything into a confrontation. I still challenge you as teacher to read Conviction of a Time Traveler. It was written by an educated person who studied Titor for 10 years. Again, it's not my motive to convince anyone, but I recommend at least reading his analysis before judging other people. People are going to believe things that you don't and sometimes you have to just let them believe. Besides, I know these aren't my forums and I'm not a moderator, but I personally don't agree with turning every post about Titor into a battle.

The subject of the thread itself proclaims Titor to have "known something" he shouldn't have, if he were a fraud. In other words, the thread and title proclaim Titor to have been the real deal, or at least attempt to imply this.

You'll note the thousands of Titor threads here I have not participated in.

It is merely unfortunate when a true believer can't stand being shown to have been utterly had by Titor Inc. It is, however, quite unconscionable when that believer asserts that others shouldn't make an on-topic comment in an open forum, all because of a little butt hurt.


It is merely unfortunate when a true believer can't stand being shown to have been utterly had by Titor Inc. It is, however, quite unconscionable when that believer asserts that others shouldn't make an on-topic comment in an open forum, all because of a little butt hurt.

Then by all means, let us hear your reasons for why I've been "had" because you haven't mentioned a single one as of yet. I'm supposed to not
believe just because you say so without any evidence to back your claim, So, please list your reasoning. My butt doesn't hurt at all. Make your claim. List your reasons, if you have any.
