John Titor

Chip Lewis

Re: John Titor

gonzogirl said:
Well if a movie is in the works the better hurry up or the story will be a dead one..I have a feeling that some other more outrageous TT stuff is on the horizon..Wouldnt suprise me if Hollyweird created all this Titor stuff to begin with and started the hype and now plans to cash out with a movie and theme park ride (the ride sounds fun )..I have searched for Pamela M...Cant find her..remember her?..she had the dream about Titor and had all the questions for Titor via the Art Bell forum... I was struck by her very detailed questions for him. Seemed a bit "tailored' if ya know what I mean. We communicated alot for a while here on this forum. Id love for her to sign up again and catch us up on all the new stuff. When and if the book or movie comes out we can find out the ownership/author and see just who it is......:)
Pamela is still around. Not even a year ago she frequented paranormalis. I believe I still have her email address...


Senior Member
Re: John Titor

Numenorean7 said:
I don't remember any debunkers finding real contradictions in Titor's posts.


True, if you discount the 12 trillion tons of collapsed matter he "carried" in two suitcases in the trunk of his Chevy.

Must've been some suspension. Obviously an aftermarket job!



Re: John Titor

What's your opinion Harte about the Titor story ? Do you think it's fake ?
Personnally, I'm still confused if it's a hoax or not. Maybe we will never know. But in my opinion, it tends a bit to be a hoax, even if I really would like it to be real.

As ever, we must asume that time travel might be possible... if so, Titor might be real. Otherwise, it can't be.

Num7 :)


Senior Member
Re: John Titor

Numenorean7 said:
What's your opinion Harte about the Titor story ? Do you think it's fake ?
Personnally, I'm still confused if it's a hoax or not. Maybe we will never know. But in my opinion, it tends a bit to be a hoax, even if I really would like it to be real.

As ever, we must assume that time travel might be possible... if so, Titor might be real. Otherwise, it can't be.

Num7 :)

It is certainly a hoax and the poster betrays a complete lack of knowledge of the physical characteristics of black holes.

That's not to say that time travel is impossible, though. Travel into the future is, it's been done several times in the lab.

There's no real reason to assume that travel into the past is impossible, except for the paradoxes it causes.



Re: John Titor

Thanks for your answer Harte !

Doesn't Titor said he was a soldier, not a scientist ? Not sure though.

That's interesting. What do you think of his timelines theories ? They can be right, since they prevent paradoxes. In my sense, it would probably work if the universe was made that way.



Senior Member
Re: John Titor

Numenorean7 said:
Thanks for your answer Harte !

Doesn't Titor said he was a soldier, not a scientist ? Not sure though.

That's interesting. What do you think of his timelines theories ? They can be right, since they prevent paradoxes. In my sense, it would probably work if the universe was made that way.

Man of the West,

I tend to think that there would probably be something standing in the way preventing the paradoxes inherent in traveling into the past. But that could just be the human perspective - wanting everything to be cut and dried or something.

I really don't see any reason at all for it. Except, of course, if a major paradox arose from traveling into the past, we wouldn't (ourselves) be able to understand what was cause and what was effect.

But hey, maybe "cause and effect" are just things that humans project onto reality to help make it more understandable.

There is no universal "law" of cause and effect. It's just logic, another human invention.

I guarantee you one thing though. Nobody will ever time travel in the way that Titor claimed. It won't work on dozens of scientific levels.



Senior Member
Re: John Titor

If time travel was/ever will be possible, wouldn't it work on the multiverse theory? Assuming you had the technology to phase out of this universe and into a parallel one... And then be able to find your way back...


Re: John Titor

In fact, you can't be wrong when talking about human inventions. All these concepts, time, time travel, cause/effects are man-made. So when time comes to understand things beyond these concepts' limits, we can't completely understand them.

Harte, could explain a little on how Titor's way of time-traveling was wrong on scientific level. I understand that timelines are a pretty theoritical concept, and that we have absolutelly no proof that timeline exist, but in the other way, I don't think we have proof that they don't exist either.

Edit: Webnower makes a point, IF timelines/parallel universes exist, it means in a certain way that everything at everytime is existing at the same time. No ?
Then, if a timeline is created by phasing a universe into a parallel one, that would be inter-dimentional travel, but time wouldn't mean anything then. It might not be time travel at all.

Num7 :)


Senior Member
Re: John Titor

The multiverse theory says that every physical possibility is coexisting at the same time, just in different realities... At least as far as I understand it. If you were lucky enough to find a universe where the only difference was that the big bang happened 30 years prior, you'd be able to travel to a universe 30 years ahead of your own.

The problem with that is the sheer odds of finding what you're looking for... Or even finding you way back.

Someone with more knowledge on the subject would probably make more sense, but you get the idea.
