Debate John's warnings and what just might be involved...


New Member
Hi all...

I am very concerned with John's warning.

15 years ago, I was not.

Last week I was not.

Today, I am scared sh*tless...

One year ago, on 3/08, a plane, being watched by both Americans and Russians, disappeared with all hands. The back story was there was a "device" (crackle-pop type) being shipped to some location in China, for a "False Flag" operation. The plane was stolen under everyone's noses. The device disappeared without a trace...

It never got there, but at least one RVer placed the offload point at the Island of Wagaru in the Maldives.
(While this sounds so utterly fanciful, do your own research, and look up "Hathifushi Jail" for an "A Ha" moment - really. really... Why is there an abandoned jail out on this remote island with no one living there?)

The FF event was supposed to be on 3/11 - a nice even round number, six months delayed from 9/11.

Not just a "coincidence", but one of "those" coincidences. Numbers that mean nothing to the average non-psychopath at least...

So John says be out of D.C. on 3/12, at 3.45.

That's how long this event has been planned - all the way back to before this millenia.

Remember, the first of John's "events" was on 9/11 - but this was NOT the first event on 9/11.

The reason that the towers were taken out on 9/11 was a punishment for what had happened on 9/11 ** sixty years previous**...

9/11/1941, none other than Charles (Lucky) Lindberg warned the nation that the banksters had taken control - and WWII was unstoppable...

Don't believe it? Go look it up, and read the embarrassment that Lindberg caused these scumbags...

So on Thursday next month, they are gonna frame someone to start WWIII...

Don't tell me that Titor wasn't connected to something very, very involved, at least...

DD, hisself...

(Keep your heads down - like never before...)


That theory is new to me. What do other Titor enthusiasts think about it?


New Member
Hi again...

There has been much discussion as to the lack of validation of John's War. When I re-read the actual wording, I get a somewhat different take on things.

Let me introduce you to "Wednesday's Boyz"...

The day after the false flag takeover of Boston due to the "marathon bombing" (BTW, look what happened to the metals market [COMEX] at the precise time the "bomb" went off. The bombing was a smoke screen to cover up a blatant short-sell manipulation. The data to prove this is readily available on the net.), the WB went to work.

The next day, 17 power sub-stations in California were blown ** simultaneously ** all over central California. It was so bad, they had to ration electricity. The FBI only acknowledged it a whole year later when they pleaded for help from the public.

No one had a clue as to how they pulled it off - and they still have not figured out who was behind it...

Another significant Wednesday event was the fertilizer factory in Texas that blew a town off the map. Just outside Waco...

All coinky-dinks, no?

How about the derailment of the train in Idaho with the 737 fuselages aboard. It screwed up Boeing for many months. Millions and millions in losses...

So the Chinese Olympics were not cancelled.


John's War is raging - we just don't see it.

... and from what I have read, this is not really at odds with the manifesto of 2001.

Also note how close to 3/11 it was when John made his last post.

Almost exactly 6 months before "it", as he described it...

BTW, what I do everyday, is so closely aligned to John's descriptions of space/time as to be spooky.

So far, this post is just one more rattletrap looney on th' net, right?

Here is a minor challenge, especially for those with a high science background. Even still, verification of this will take some digging.

I run a research lab. Have for more than 10 years. We are still doing the good fight, even with insignificant funding.

Here is something that has yet to come out of CERN, but you have it here first...

The electron and the Higgs Boson are mirror images of each other, in the weird world of real and imaginary time fabrics.

Try this for yourself: 511.0 KeV (electron mass) times Mu ( electron/proton ratio of 1836.1526 ) raised to the 1.5 power, this times Pi, and nothing else.

This produces a predicted mass of the Higgs Boson at 126.3 GeV... (Look it up! )

You will not find this anywhere in conventional theory - but it dovetails with John's missive with amazing accuracy.

This follows closely with our discovery of a year ago. The Fine Structures Constant of the Standard Model of Physics ( aka "Alpha" ) is a "holy" value, with near mystical implications (to some). The best value of this most misunderstood artifact of Nuclear Theory, is: 137.036

Now get out your calculator, and do this computation: Pi[ (2Pi)^2 + Pi + 1] = ?

Once again, conventional wisdom has never produced this simple, simple equation.

Note the three components of this Trinomial. Emulations of the three energy fields of these singularities John sketched...

Just coincidences, right?

I personally have a debt of gratitude to Mr. Titor.

Just sayin'...



Temporal Engineer
The only part that caught my interest was the part about being a rattletrap looney. Since honesty is always the best policy.


New Member
This reminds me. Someone on facebook shared a link about a previous attack to the towers - apparently in February of 1993 - On This Day: Car Bomb Explodes Beneath World Trade Center I thought I remembered them happening on the same date of 9/11, but I guess I was wrong. So, this is probably pointless. I can't find any corellation with Titor, can you?

No, not down that particular path.

There is another aspect I have yet to hear properly discussed: Was Titor an "insider" with access to long term planning and scheduling.

Plenty of theories here, a lot with factual basis. We have three alignments on the same day, with: 1) Lindberg 2) Twin towers 3) Ben Gazi. Libya.

For 3/11, 180 degrees opposed by the year's calendar, we have 1) Fukushima 2) The missing Triple 7 3) Apparently next month.

This parallel path correlation, in my corner of engineering, would be treated with extra post processing. Next month is on someone's long term planning.

Did Titor leak this because he went rogue on some secret society?

That might make the time travel issue finally solved or refuted.

But it makes next month so much more damn terrifying...



Junior Member
Don't know how reliable these reports are, but they are interesting given Titors posts.
I've tried to look at Titors predictions from all angles
1 its true and because he was in a miltia community during the "civil unrest" so his perception is considerably different or
2 he was with gov trolling for potential domestic threats
3 diff timeline so diff timing/ events
Idk but I do believe he knew what was to come whether he was correct on all of it the stuff is happening just not exactly the way it seemed as he layed it out. I personally stopped serving my family beef products, maybe paranoid but why risk it there have been mad cow issues and people have gotten sick w cjd in Europe. There are reports that sick cows are used in commercial. Beef production.
Russia is being backed into a corner by the UN and our gov, eventually its very likely they could decide to make good on their threats. They are getting to a point where they don't have much to lose and they are actively prosuing allies like one might before going to war.
I'm definitely. Worried


New Member
Don't know how reliable these reports are, but they are interesting given Titors posts.
I've tried to look at Titors predictions from all angles
1 its true and because he was in a miltia community during the "civil unrest" so his perception is considerably different or
2 he was with gov trolling for potential domestic threats
3 diff timeline so diff timing/ events
Idk but I do believe he knew what was to come whether he was correct on all of it the stuff is happening just not exactly the way it seemed as he layed it out. I personally stopped serving my family beef products, maybe paranoid but why risk it there have been mad cow issues and people have gotten sick w cjd in Europe. There are reports that sick cows are used in commercial. Beef production.
Russia is being backed into a corner by the UN and our gov, eventually its very likely they could decide to make good on their threats. They are getting to a point where they don't have much to lose and they are actively prosuing allies like one might before going to war.
I'm definitely. Worried

Is anyone watching this thread?

I was speaking earlier about "Wednesday's Boyz" in relation to the Titor story of Civil War...

It's Saturday. A few days back on Wednesday, a set of fiber optic cables in Arizona was cut by a commando-style raid - leaving no clues how they knew where and how to cut these cables in the middle of the desert.

Furthermore, it could have been hugely worse - and the perps knew it. They selectively cut only **some** of the cables.

Like sending a message...

Look up Dave Hodges' view of this mess.

BTW, if someone was trying to start WWIII by framing Putin for assassinating his rival, two weeks before John's warning date, well lookie, lookie...

The same day Spock croaked...

I think the next two weeks are gonna be absolutely hairball...



Junior Member
I saw that too. Weird. You know if something were to happen we prob wouldn't know, everything would just go down even scarier. Imagine you're watching tv it goes off, the lights go off and you r sitting there thinking its just a power outage, when in realty a nuke just went off and any chance for survival is missed BC u don't know. Horrible thought. But idk if that would be how it is.
in johns scenario there was a civil war so after it all went down people knew to not let the "officials" take control again, but if that were to happen now people would prob welcome the "officials" taking charge again so that's an even worse scenario.
