July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!


July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

I found this video on Youtube: It shows a movie poster featured into a PS3 Rainbow Six game which says "Mars awakens July 26th: NEPHILIM 2010"

I bet its an inside joke with the game's developers, but it sure still makes you wonder why they would include it in the game.



Senior Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

I wonder if Computer Software Companies that produced patches the world over thought the very same thing September 1st 1999.

"Remember, ONLY 122 Shopping days left to SAVE THE WORLD..."

imho, one of the greatest Coups besides A T & T selling you the phone you had been paying rent on already for the last 20 years, right after they got fined Millions of dollars for being a monopoly.


Active Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

Very interesting indeed. Especially when a friend of mine said several years ago a person he knew in the military acknowledged that these video games were, indeed, to train young people in shooting and quick response war tactics without them knowing it.


Senior Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

Actually Jaspermoon, many early training devices used software that was written for the military and then they were used to make & sell games.

I can remember a few skeleton / stick figure tank / helicopter and "PT like Boat" computer programs that many computer "repair" geeks traded. My brother inlaw was a computer tech, proud graduate of Heald Computer Tech. School.

The Abrams 1A game, a PC game( it was simply called "tank") I played comes immediately to mind, all the lines of the tank - outlines of the terrain,valleys, mountains and other tanks you went up against were in a glowing green line. A few years later I saw the exact same game filled in, with color and 3 dimensional This was back in the early days of the Commodore 64. Typically, the Military's unclassified cast off materiel might become tomorrow's games.


Senior Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

Actually Jaspermoon, many early training devices used software that was written for the military and then they were used to make & sell games.

I can remember a few skeleton / stick figure tank / helicopter and "PT like Boat" computer programs that many computer "repair" geeks traded. My brother inlaw was a computer tech, proud graduate of Heald Computer Tech. School.

The Abrams 1A game, a PC game( it was simply called "tank") I played comes immediately to mind, all the lines of the tank - outlines of the terrain,valleys, mountains and other tanks you went up against were in a glowing green line. A few years later I saw the exact same game filled in, with color and 3 dimensional This was back in the early days of the Commodore 64. Typically, the Military's unclassified cast off materiel might become tomorrow's games.

We used a surprising amount of video game training aids while in Basic (Fort Knox) and overseas (Baumholder).

Before we got to handle real M16s, we had to familiarize on a Super Nintendo powered simulator. The rifle was air pressurized for kickback and it was basically a game of Duck Hunt, only with ground targets.

We also did tank simulators which were basically identical to flight simulators with all the hydraulics and stuff. You had to drive around a 3D town and complete missions and things.

In Baumholder we did judgment training for deciding when to open fire while guarding the gates to the base. You laid in the prone position with your air powered M16 and watched various situations unfold on a movie screen in front of you. You had to choose the right time to fire and the correct target, if any, based on what was going on.

Towards the end of my tour I paid a visit to Rhein-Main Air Base and saw this room filled with drone simulators. Each soldier had to maneuver their drone through various obstacles using what looked like an arcade control console. They didn't let me try :(


Senior Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

I can remember a few skeleton / stick figure tank / helicopter and "PT like Boat" computer programs that many computer "repair" geeks traded. My brother inlaw was a computer tech, proud graduate of Heald Computer Tech. School.

The Abrams 1A game, a PC game( it was simply called "tank") I played comes immediately to mind, all the lines of the tank - outlines of the terrain,valleys, mountains and other tanks you went up against were in a glowing green line..
I played that game for hours on end in the pizza parlour I worked in back before Reagan was elected.

I found that if you just drive in reverse in a long, easy curve, you can take easy potshots at the Soviets, I mean enemy, and they can't reach you with their armament.

Kicked their asses back to East Berlin, I did.



Active Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

There is a cool ass book called Ender's Game. I love that book series. Read it if u like the scenario of a little child genius playing a video game to kill aliens. Also watch The Last Starfighter. The government has been using games for years to recruit. I planned on doing a podcast on it back in the days...when we did those things here.


Senior Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

I've read the Ender books.

You read the Tales of Alvin Maker?



Senior Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

I just finished the last of the Ender Series. Something like a 10 year hiatus from the previous book?

I'll have to pick up the Alvin Maker book, not sure If I have read it.

Sometimes they get you by changing the Cover. You know the author, have never seen that cover, half way into the first chapter, you find the story that's left in memory and it starts to play. "Damn, I already read this one!"


Senior Member
Re: July 26th 2010: Return of the Nephilim!?!

For me, that's not usually caused by a changed cover.

It's caused by a loss of brain cells.

