just a thought


New Member
just a thought

:dry: has anybody tried to coppy cat the phillidelpha experiment fact or fiction found it very interesting maby a little more thought and our tek today who knows
Re: just a thought

Well you got Montauk. Russians done some too.
And of course the US Gov's are still doing well with their experiments, they've come alot further now than they were back then.

If any private persons have tried, maybe Steven Gibbs and his HDR.

Re: just a thought

Funny you should ask this.....About a month ago, I had a guy from a time travel group ask me to help him aquire funding to buy a military ship to make a time travel machine. He claims that he has done it with a car but needs something huge now. If you want to talk to him, pm me and I'll provide you with his name. Personally, I think he's full of dung but he's a nice person to chat with. LOL

Re: just a thought

I found the whole idea of Philedelphia very interesting. I guess Tom Hanks really experiment with a lot of things and thats how he got AIDS. I can't figure out why you would want to recreate it though. But what ever Yanks your Chain.

Re: just a thought

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"WonderBread\")</div>
I found the whole idea of Philedelphia very interesting. I guess Tom Hanks really experiment with a lot of things and thats how he got AIDS. I can't figure out why you would want to recreate it though. But what ever Yanks your Chain.


the few posts i have seen of yours, so far.... have just made fun of what people are talking about. if you are not here to discuss the subject of thread, then maybe you are in the wrong place.

it is one thing to disagree with something, or have an alternate opinion, but you just post for the sake of busting chops? why?

are you insecure about something? do you really want to let go and embrace what these forums have to offer but cant because you are scared?

personally, i joined these forums because i was reading as a guest and i wanted to contribute to one of the threads.

please dont think i am trying to rip on you, i just want to know if your posts are worth reading
Re: just a thought

Good for you Headiebean!

This reminds me of a old adage "Keep silent, and nobody knows, open your mouth and ALL doubts are removed"
Re: just a thought

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Good for you Headiebean!

This reminds me of a old adage \"Keep silent, and nobody knows, open your mouth and ALL doubts are removed\"[/b]

Twain, wasn't it? "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool that to open it and remove all doubt."

There is also "The wise man speaks when he has something to say, the fool when he has to say something."

Oops, I've said to much I fear.

