Just a thought


New Member
Im new to the site but have been reading the articles and posts for a bit but in afghanistan its hard to know when i could get on, but now back in the states i have no excuse, so here it goes.. I just want to know your opinions on this. Im baseing this off of the evolution theory. If us humans evolved to our current state this means we had to come out of the waters and evolve even further on land. What if we skipped all of this though? What if we evolved entirely in water and bypassed all the extra time it would take to get to where we are now. My point is i believe that with current descriptions of grays, at least, they seem to resemble, to me at least, an evolution of dolphins. Many people claim to be paralyzed and have thoughts put into their heads. I read that dolphins have been able to paralyze sharks from attacking their schools. Would really like to hear what others think on this. Thanks.


Welcome to the site Nelli.
I do believe that whales and dolphins are intelligent species, that happened to evolve in a water environment.
They would have no need for tools, keeping records or much of anything else.
They do have a language, work together and have empathy for other species (us).
Dolphins attack sharks by butting into them.

Your thoughts on a Gray/Dolphin connection lead me to wonder if you believe in multiverse theory. (see Time Travel forum)
This would have parallel worldlines, like in t.he Sliders series.
In many of these our human ancestry may not have survived.
Other species may have ended up as the dominant intelligent species on the planet.
UFOs could possibly be from one of these parallel worldlines.
I'm sure they would bear some resemblance to species we are familiar with.

So, I don't think your idea was too strange.
Looking forward to your next post.


New Member
Ive recently started reading on the whole multiverse theory. Very interesting stuff. What if these grays just evolved the same way we did but on another planet. Seeing as how they skipped the whole land part wouldnt they be far ahead of us tecnology wise? This would explain why so many witnesses claim to see strange lights in the water and USO's and such. Maybe they may even have underwater bases. We would never even find since the ocean is 140 million square miles and has depths of 36,000 feet.
