Just about the dream i had.


New Member
Last night i had this dream. Just sharing only few particular details out of the full dream:

It was daytime and i was walking down the road and all of a sudden the color of the sky changed to slightly dark blueish and i saw a triangle UFO (the UFO was not though visible but it was the light that was highlighting it, there were three dots of lights in the sky in the pattern of a triangle and the dots were joined by the straight lines of light making it a triangle, rest everything was transparent).
So i decided not to miss the opportunity, took my smartphone out and decided to click a picture, but the UFO vanished all of a sudden, however in the picture i got a space shuttle captured that was i guessed following the UFO.
I thought everything ended and decided to continue walk but within few seconds, this time 7-8 disk shaped UFO and they started firing red beams randomly. At first, i thought they were attacking me because i clicked their photo but it was for everyone. The guys who came out of those looked almost similar to humans except their dressing sense and had a yellow sheet for every person present on that street, the document included all the bio-data as well as the house no or the place the person is at present irrespective of their residence. Those people from the UFO were everywhere on the streets, they were evacuating homes, taking humans with them.

I think it's enough, since it's just a dream. Anyone or even any kid can have such a dream. It feels kiddish being an adult and yet share dreams on a professional site. It even looks like a Hollywood story line. But the thing that bothers me is that i used to wear a fitness band to monitor my steps i covered throughout the day and it also tells how long i had slept (both light and deep sleep). Today when i woke up to check my last night sleep, i found the band is stucked on to yesterday's walk record only. It didn't record my last night sleep, nor it is recording my walking steps now. The band is on and battery is 49% remaining. Also to add into it, everyday i feel sleepy and lazy when i wake up but today since i woke up i am feeling extra charged and fresh.

Feel free to have your thoughts, i will not mind.
